carnival73: For the next 15+ hours
Miner Wars Arena is on sale for 2 bucks. Single player, offline, game from the same team that does 2081 but not to be confused with 2081.
johnki: Well, actually, it's got offline co-op, apparently.
Me? I refuse to buy it, even that cheap. They still haven't gotten 2081 out of pre-alpha. Bleh.
Yeah, I just commented on that on Desura.
I might be wrong but I'm hoping that what they're doing is adding in some dumbed down texture sets and graphics tweaks so people with slower computers can option-down the eye candy and run 2081 as well.
It will encourage more online participation seeing as 2081 is meant to be focused mostly on multi-player.
We're still waiting on that guy doing Cortex Command as well. XD
Heretic777: Careful,
Far Cry 2 from GG has Tages
I will never buy a game with Tages, very bad experience last year.
Is 'Tages' like 'The Clap' or 'The Jack'?