tacitus59: For those of us who have never used D2D; how does it work? In the DRM free versions does it have their client bound with it? Can you use dev patches on the DRM free versions of things or do you have to wait for D2D. It says on the front page that you can redownload stuff. Even better is the a D2D FAQ explaining the basics.
Others can probably explain better. AFAIK you can use their downloader, or you can download with a browser (which probably doesn't support resuming). A lot of games seem to need D2D specific patches, but for DRM free or indie games i'm not so sure.
I've only bought Bioshock from them (last year some time) and I downloaded it with firefox, downloaded the patch from them. Installed the patch. Entered the registration key. It's still available for re-download on my account.