dye408: German people love work so much, they even want to work in their free time. Nothing is more satisfying then coming from a hard work day and play a round of garbage collection simulator.
AFnord: So the idea of German efficiency is not actually a myth, and you get a bad conscious when you are not efficient?
(Judging by my experience with the large German retail store chains that has opened up here, there is at least a kernel of truth to that)
summitus: Yes but Germans are a little strange ... dont you think ? ... :p
AFnord: Yep, but that at least explains who buys those games. Germans & people who wish they were from Germany.
Actually, the German game market perplexes me in some ways. Games that seem to have no commercial viability what so ever outside of Germany seem to sell well there. Work simulators & adventure games. (Granted, I do appreciate the fact that they help keeping the adventure game genre alive)
Hmmm makes me wonder about the differences between Volvo and BMW ! ... I wonder if Volvo's sell well in Germany >_< :p