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StingingVelvet: Yay, I finally got Space Marine... $7!
Holy crap! The multiplayer DLCs are on sale this time too! This is a great deal, the game was kick ass. You won't care for the multiplayer co-op or vs., I know, but enjoy the game, the single player was worth it all by itself.

I'll probably have to get this on PC now too.
StingingVelvet: I'm playing Mass Effect 3 right now and it seems to require an internet connection every time you start the game for the DLC to work, and thus your saves to work. Pretty ass. At least DA:O didn't do that.
Geez, I swear, could they make PC gaming any more of a fucking pain in the ass if they were trying?

(Yes, yes, I know console has it's own issues, just PC issues seem both more common and cause me to foam at the mouth more).
taczillabr: Also, Age of Empires Online now doesn't have paid content anymore, if anyone is interested to try it to the first time (like me, as I dislike pay-to-win games, won't pay real money in a so called free game).
I'm afraid I'm slow, can you explain their new system again? Before it was F2P of the pay-to-win variety (at least multiplayer, you didn't need that stuff vs. the computer), did they dump that model?
grinninglich: Who said Dragon Age was DRM-Free come here. You deserve some punishment. You were either lying or a ignorant fool. Dragon Age Origins is a game most from being DRM-FREE.

As they said on Amazon comments installing and getting work this game clearly a pain in the ass.

This is my third try. Still can not play the game.

1-) You have to register a Bioware account for DLC's.

2-) You have to have an Origin account with the same registered email as Bioware account.

3-) Before installation your activation of game on Origin client must be completed. Or game will throw a error and you HAVE TO REINSTALL!

4-) Start installation, enter CD-key.

5-) When asked to install Adobe Air you have to install it!! Otherwise you will have to reinstall game AGAIN!!

6-) Game will ask for your ORIGIN account, log-in and open the game.

7-) In game log-in to your Bioware account which must be same with Origin account to play DLC's.
dyscode: Thanks for the Walkthough! This is appreciated. :)
(even if i already have Origin and BWSN accounts and cannot remember any one claiming DA:O was DRM free, maybe I missed that part)
When I did it a few months ago it was a matter of simply installing the 1.05 patch (available on Bioware's site), after that my DLC authed fine. Yes, you need a Bioware account if you don't have one and there's a keycode to be entered there, I'm not sure if that part was strictly necessary.
Post edited June 28, 2012 by orcishgamer
orcishgamer: The multiplayer DLCs are on sale this time too!
Since I'm slowly evolving from a Warhammer fan to a Warhammer Fanatic, though I'm still not interested in multiplayer, are any of the DLCs singleplayer only?
orcishgamer: The multiplayer DLCs are on sale this time too!
JMich: Since I'm slowly evolving from a Warhammer fan to a Warhammer Fanatic, though I'm still not interested in multiplayer, are any of the DLCs singleplayer only?
Aside from the cosmetic ones (which I wasn't addressing) I think both the big DLCs are all multiplayer. I'm not aware that they unlock anything special that you can do by yourself.
orcishgamer: Aside from the cosmetic ones (which I wasn't addressing) I think both the big DLCs are all multiplayer. I'm not aware that they unlock anything special that you can do by yourself.
Which means I'll probably skip them, at least until there's a "Complete DLC" pack, or something equivalent. Thank you.
orcishgamer: Aside from the cosmetic ones (which I wasn't addressing) I think both the big DLCs are all multiplayer. I'm not aware that they unlock anything special that you can do by yourself.
JMich: Which means I'll probably skip them, at least until there's a "Complete DLC" pack, or something equivalent. Thank you.
Well, there's only 2 and you it's 5 USD for the both of them (2.49 apiece) that might be as cheap as they're going to get in the term in which you're still interested in playing. Still, if you don't want to play any of the new multiplayer (aside from the free co-op survival) then practically doubling the price is not a good idea, however, that's pretty cheap, one of those DLCs is only a couple months old.
JMich: Since I'm slowly evolving from a Warhammer fan to a Warhammer Fanatic, though I'm still not interested in multiplayer, are any of the DLCs singleplayer only?
orcishgamer: Aside from the cosmetic ones (which I wasn't addressing) I think both the big DLCs are all multiplayer. I'm not aware that they unlock anything special that you can do by yourself.
Damn you Guys, I am always tempted to ger 40k Space marine, but resisted since is 40K you know. Now I am on the edge again.
Post edited June 28, 2012 by dyscode
orcishgamer: Aside from the cosmetic ones (which I wasn't addressing) I think both the big DLCs are all multiplayer. I'm not aware that they unlock anything special that you can do by yourself.
dyscode: Damn you Guys, I am always tempted to ger 40k Space marine, but resisted since is 40K you know. Now I am on the edge again.
Dude, the campaign is fucking epic. So is the game play. There should not be any question on whether to get it or not. I suggest you do use a gamepad, though, the game is very fluid with one.
orcishgamer: Well, there's only 2 and you it's 5 USD for the both of them (2.49 apiece) that might be as cheap as they're going to get in the term in which you're still interested in playing. Still, if you don't want to play any of the new multiplayer (aside from the free co-op survival) then practically doubling the price is not a good idea, however, that's pretty cheap, one of those DLCs is only a couple months old.
I am not really interested in multiplayer, since the only multiplayer I truly enjoy is during a LAN, but no time (or opportunities) for those any more. Thus, any DLCs will most probably be only for completeness sake. I already have Space Marine in the cart, for €4.99, and all the DLCs would be €8.58, which I'm not sure if I'll ever use any of those. If they do put out a DLC pack though, I may buy them so my ocd is satisfied.
Thank you again for trying to convince me though :)
Immoli: How do people find these Amazon deals?
uchos: Personally I just check this thread on CAG once in a while.
This site is also very useful. You can filter the deals to a specific store, latest deals, price etc
Revisor: I finally bought The Last Remnant (5 pounds on GG: ), played it for 30 minutes and ... it's surprisingly not bad!
It suffers from consolitis in the controls department but otherwise looks and plays pretty solid.

I'm definitely looking forward to the more complicated fights and the story.
Tizzysawr: It eventually gets frustratingly difficult, though, and at least on console versions grinding for levels (or ranks I think they're called) does nothing but make the game progressively harder to the point where it can become unbeatable. Square never cleared up whether that was changed for the PC version, so keep that in mind.
I completed it in the xbox version, so perhaps some fights are difficult, but not unbeteable, at least the ones from the main quest.
Abuse was always free on Desura....
Supreme Commander 2 is 75% off at GG, requires Steam.
I just played about two hours of The Last Remnant, and I gotta say I'm impressed.

It's rough around the edges, the voice acting isn't superb, and the graphics aren't super high quality but it's pretty darn fun. A lot of little JRPG issues have been taken out that make it much more fun to play. You auto heal between fights, there's an auto save feature AND you can freely save anywhere in the game, inventory doesn't seem very convoluted, you're given maps of the first few dungeons (and I assume from then on out as well) so you don't have to wander, and there are no random battles.

The battle system is the highlight. It's part strategy part turn based RPG. It moves fast, and I imagine you could get really strategic with it. I can also see it getting very hard later on due to how the different attacks work and battle placement, but that'll be half the fun.

For less then eight bucks (around 6.30 with the GG discount), I'd say pick it up if you like jRPG's in the slightest. If you don't like the genre, it probably won't change your mind, but the battle system's worth a viewing on Youtube at least.
Post edited June 29, 2012 by Hawk52
grynn: Supreme Commander 2 is 75% off at GG, requires Steam.
This is well worth a go, its not as complex as its older brother but still a good game
Hawk52: snip
You just sold me the game!