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CaptainGyro: Yeah I was aware of that. Even if I only ended up with 6 games instead of 8 I'd still be really happy, I was just somewhat worried/disappointed that all of the better games would be gone, and I'd have to settle for 2 crappy $7 games that I had no desire to play in the first place. You have to get games that cost the same price.
Luckily there was another copy of Saints Row 2, and I they had a copy of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 ( which is good enough for me) instead of World at War, so it's all good.
arggh I forgot how editing screws up the quotes here
Post edited April 09, 2010 by CaptainGyro
Lol. Normal Steam weekend deal discounts: 33-50%
Steam weekend deal MW2 discount: 15% (bringing til price to just above $50)
stonebro: Lol. Normal Steam weekend deal discounts: 33-50%
Steam weekend deal MW2 discount: 15% (bringing til price to just above $50)

Don't forget Activision is a money hungry company.
free Battle Tactics update for Total Annihilation on Impulse.
stonebro: Lol. Normal Steam weekend deal discounts: 33-50%
Steam weekend deal MW2 discount: 15% (bringing til price to just above 50 )

I have fixed it for you
50,99 € are almost $ 68,24
ps. you can find it in retail at ~20 €
Post edited April 09, 2010 by kScope
stonebro: Lol. Normal Steam weekend deal discounts: 33-50%
Steam weekend deal MW2 discount: 15% (bringing til price to just above 50 )
kScope: I have fixed it for you
50,99 € are almost $ 68,24
ps. you can find it in retail at ~20 €

In NZ its $90US down to $75US lol.
Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions? Because I think Impulse ones don't.
trusteft: Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions? Because I think Impulse ones don't.

They should, but only if the gifted game is actually available in the recipient's region.
trusteft: Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions? Because I think Impulse ones don't.

Impulse ones do, not sure about Steam. I think so but it might be complicated.
trusteft: Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions? Because I think Impulse ones don't.

Unless they've changed it since last year, I've purchased some regionally restricted games for a person in Germany successfully, so yes.
trusteft: Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions? Because I think Impulse ones don't.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Unless they've changed it since last year, I've purchased some regionally restricted games for a person in Germany successfully, so yes.

From what I've heard, they've changed it. Sorry, but it would be worth asking their support before trying it.
stonebro: Lol. Normal Steam weekend deal discounts: 33-50%
Steam weekend deal MW2 discount: 15% (bringing til price to just above $50)
acare84: Don't forget Activision is a money hungry company.

Pretty much -- that and it appears they conditioned that whopping 15% discount and free weekend on Steam not offering any other deals the entire week.
Crassmaster: RedLynx is selling Trials 2 Second Edition from their site for $1.99 until April 14th.

Thank you for the link. :)
EDIT: The game is awesome!
Post edited April 11, 2010 by KavazovAngel
high rated
trusteft: Guys, do Steam Gifts of games work over different regions?

As others have said, it's complicated. But...
1 - If the game is available in both regions, gifting should be possible.
2 - If different versions of a game are available in both regions, the recipient should get the version of the game available in the country of the purchaser (i.e. a person in Germany being gifted a game by someone in the US should get the US version and not the cut German version.)
3 - If the game is available in the purchaser's region but not yet released in the recipient's region (and will be released), the person receiving the gift will not be able to use it until after the game is released in their region -- the game will simply show as "not yet released" or "preload complete" depending on the specific circumstances for the game.
4 - If the game is available in the purchaser's region but not released in the recipient's region (and won't be released) and is not yet available in all regions in which it is being released, the person receiving the gift will not be able to use it until after the game has been released in all applicable regions. (I.e., When Dragon Age: Origins was released in the US, but not yet in the UK, people in Japan could not use gifted versions from the US. Once released in the UK -- the last region to see the game unlocked -- people in Japan could unlock their US gift versions. The game is not sold over Steam in Japan.)
5 - If the game uses Steam Works and is not released in the recipient's country, and the publisher is using Steam Work's IP blocking feature to prevent installation and/or activation in the recipient's region, they will not be able to use the game until after they have activated it using a non-blocked IP address. (I.e., the only way to install and activate Modern Warfare 2 in Japan is to do so using a VPN with a non-Japanese IP address -- once activated, the game can be played with a Japanese IP address).
6 - If games are being gifted from any of the following regions, Russia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and other regions where prices are exceptionally low, there is a good chance that the game is totally region locked (i.e., it will only be playable in those regions). In such cases, always confirm (as best you can) with support as while this limit certainly applies to retail copies (that require Steam activation), it may also apply to gifts made directly through Steam.
And that, as far as I can remember, is the current state of gifting over Steam.
Wow, thank you guys a lot.