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grinninglich: I read on Amazon comments that the DRM is awful at most. I was really thinking to get these but if DRM is so bad, no way. Anyone bought and tried?
StingingVelvet: Origin is about the same as Steam DRM wise, no better and no worse. Whether that is "awful" is subjective.
No, not only about Origin. You use 2 different keys and plus a Bioware account plus phone home SecuROM etc.. I will give you the link.
grinninglich: No, not only about Origin. You use 2 different keys and plus a Bioware account plus phone home SecuROM etc.. I will give you the link.
I own the games. Dragon Age was DRM free and the DLC connects to Bioware servers to authenticate. Dragon Age 2 uses Origin DRM and the DLC connects to Bioware servers to authenticate.
gyokzoli: DA2 will never have an all-in-one pack because the shops don't want to sell it, and it was stated by a Bioware rep.
Thanks, I'll be using my money for other purchases then I guess.
Does Amazon give 2 separate Origin Keys for both games in the Dragon Age Dual Pack?

Or is it only 1 Key for both games?

I want to buy the dual pack and give 1 key to my friend, but i dont know how this dual pack works. If u have bought this, please let me know. Thanks.
Heretic777: Does Amazon give 2 separate Origin Keys for both games in the Dragon Age Dual Pack?

Or is it only 1 Key for both games?

I want to buy the dual pack and give 1 key to my friend, but i dont know how this dual pack works. If u have bought this, please let me know. Thanks.
You get 2 keys - one for the Ultimate pack for origins and one for DA 2 so each game has its own key.

Edit: Attached a pic of my purchased games for reference
daset.jpg (83 Kb)
Post edited June 24, 2012 by Jennywenny
orcishgamer: [...] having played DA:O 3 times on XBox and PC I can say it clocks in at "overrated". [...]
Must have a lot of time in you hands to play through a game three times while thinking it is overrated :P

Tizzysawr: Amazon Digital Deal of the Week:

Dragon Age Franchise.


Dragon Age Origins, $4.99
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening, $4.99
Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition, $7.49
Dragon Age 2, $4.99
Dragon Age Dual Pack, $9.99

All titles activate in Origin. Some of the discounts aren't live yet.

I personally must recommend these to anyone. Getting both games and expansions for $9.99 is a steal, even when Dragon Age 2 isn't very good. The price can't really be beaten considering DA:O and DA:A have well over 50 hours of gameplay when put together (Not counting replaying the games) while DA2, though repetitive, does boast a nice story and should give you at least 10-20 hours of gameplay before it becomes too annoying.
grinninglich: I read on Amazon comments that the DRM is awful at most. I was really thinking to get these but if DRM is so bad, no way. Anyone bought and tried?
I can't recall the DRM being so terrible really. I think some people had issues with the DLC getting disabled sometimes if they ran the game without an internet connection, but the base games never had such issues. I never ran into the DLC issue myself either, so I can't say it is a terrible thing. It used to even be possible to pirate DLC by changing a small value on an XML file that would disable online check for it.

gyokzoli: DA2 will never have an all-in-one pack because the shops don't want to sell it, and it was stated by a Bioware rep.
Pheace: Thanks, I'll be using my money for other purchases then I guess.
DA2 doesn't even have that much DLC though. Besides the day-1 dlc (A weird store that came with all new copies of the game anyway) and the prince DLC (new character) I can't think of anything worth it. There are two DLC packs that are quests, but they aren't at all connected to the main stories, being separate adventures instead.
Tizzysawr: I can't recall the DRM being so terrible really. I think some people had issues with the DLC getting disabled sometimes if they ran the game without an internet connection, but the base games never had such issues. I never ran into the DLC issue myself either, so I can't say it is a terrible thing. It used to even be possible to pirate DLC by changing a small value on an XML file that would disable online check for it.
DLC issues for DA:O were resolved with a patch that came out early this year.
Tizzysawr: I can't recall the DRM being so terrible really. I think some people had issues with the DLC getting disabled sometimes if they ran the game without an internet connection, but the base games never had such issues. I never ran into the DLC issue myself either, so I can't say it is a terrible thing. It used to even be possible to pirate DLC by changing a small value on an XML file that would disable online check for it.
nmillar: DLC issues for DA:O were resolved with a patch that came out early this year.
Bought 2 of Dragon Age Ultimate(first one with expansion and DLC's). Will try and write back here.
Tizzysawr: I can't recall the DRM being so terrible really. I think some people had issues with the DLC getting disabled sometimes if they ran the game without an internet connection, but the base games never had such issues. I never ran into the DLC issue myself either, so I can't say it is a terrible thing. It used to even be possible to pirate DLC by changing a small value on an XML file that would disable online check for it.
nmillar: DLC issues for DA:O were resolved with a patch that came out early this year.
Patch for DAO this year? Well, that's good news since at the end of the last year DAO still had gamebreaking bugs.
gyokzoli: Patch for DAO this year? Well, that's good news since at the end of the last year DAO still had gamebreaking bugs.
I know a certain other green Gentleman had also his fair share of problems with DA:O, but for me it worked absolutely flawlessly. Quite impressive, considering the complexity.

Seems bugs in DA:O are pretty much hit or miss, either you have none or it is really bad.
Interesting offert the DragonAge pack for 9.99$!

But i have a question... if I redeem the key of both games on Origin, can i choose the language or is it automatically english?
orcishgamer: [...] having played DA:O 3 times on XBox and PC I can say it clocks in at "overrated". [...]
Tizzysawr: Must have a lot of time in you hands to play through a game three times while thinking it is overrated :P
People kept trying to convince me I had to give it another shot. So I did, it still was kind of sucky. Honestly I spent most of my time trying to see why I was "obviously" missing whatever everyone else thought was so awesome about it. Then I realized that my fundamental truth about life was appropriate: "I am always right, everyone else is only right when they agree with me.":)
nmillar: DLC issues for DA:O were resolved with a patch that came out early this year.
Said patch fucks up a lot of shit, make a lot of separate saves in Warden's Keep.
gyokzoli: Patch for DAO this year? Well, that's good news since at the end of the last year DAO still had gamebreaking bugs.
You'll be sad to hear they simply traded in the ones they fixed for new game breaking bugs. Patch 1.05 is a mixed bag, but if you want to auth your DLC the "correct" way you will need it.
Post edited June 24, 2012 by orcishgamer
Recsam511: Interesting offert the DragonAge pack for 9.99$!

But i have a question... if I redeem the key of both games on Origin, can i choose the language or is it automatically english?
With older games, Origin can only redeem the US published version (the version of the cd key) so it could be that those keys are English only. It depends on the US release of the game. My DA:O comes from Steam, so even if knew what languages I was able to choose, it wouldn't help you.
orcishgamer: snip
130 hours, three playthroughs and no serious bugs. That game just hates you.
Post edited June 24, 2012 by SimonG
The Mass Effect 2 key I registered on Origin asked me if I wanted to use US/UK English, Italian, German or French, so...
SimonG: 130 hours, three playthroughs and no serious bugs. That game just hates you.
Dude it must:( I actually mostly ended up back on my XBox 360 version just due to those bugs (I had to replay Warden's Keep 3 times just to be able to finish it and get my fucking stash space, and still couldn't follow the path I wanted). Did you ever play patch 1.05 though? I think it did more harm than good. Most people with high end rigs had no issues with 1.04.
Post edited June 24, 2012 by orcishgamer