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Psyringe: Sim City 4: Deluxe Edition is 75% off (4.99$) at GamersGate. The bundle includes the "Rush Hour" expansion and is DRM-free.

Note: Only available in the US (or through proxy / gifting; there shouldn't be any problems with regionalized permissions since the game is, as said, DRM-free.

I'm thinking about getting this. I've always enjoyed the Sim City games - they didn't last long for me, but it was always enjoyable while it lasted. And 5$ seems like a pretty good price for such an experience. :)
Oh, last week it was 50% off (5 pound) on the uk-site. I was also thinking about it, but at that price I decided to wait for a gog release. Now at 5$ I need to rethink this, very tempting offer.

Btw, the is a little bit bigger then the [url=]US edition, I will need to check for differences.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by DukeNukemForever
Psyringe: Sim City 4: Deluxe Edition is 75% off (4.99$) at GamersGate. The bundle includes the "Rush Hour" expansion and is DRM-free.

Note: Only available in the US (or through proxy / gifting; there shouldn't be any problems with regionalized permissions since the game is, as said, DRM-free.

I'm thinking about getting this. I've always enjoyed the Sim City games - they didn't last long for me, but it was always enjoyable while it lasted. And 5$ seems like a pretty good price for such an experience. :)
DukeNukemForever: Oh, last week it was 50% off (5 pound) on the uk-site. I was also thinking about it, but at that price I decided to wait for a gog release. Now at 5$ I need to rethink this, very tempting offer.

Btw, the is a little bit bigger then the [url=]US edition, I will need to check for differences.
Good catch. It's only a 22 MB difference though. The most likely explanation is probably that the US release includes the US version of DirectX, while the UK release includes the international version. But that's just speculation, I haven't checked it.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Psyringe
DukeNukemForever: Oh, last week it was 50% off (5 pound) on the uk-site. I was also thinking about it, but at that price I decided to wait for a gog release. Now at 5$ I need to rethink this, very tempting offer.

Btw, the is a little bit bigger then the [url=]US edition, I will need to check for differences.
Psyringe: Good catch. It's only a 22 MB difference though. The most likely explanation is probably that the US release includes the US version of DirectX, while the UK release includes the international version. But that's just speculation, I haven't checked it.
That's maybe the reason. I checked wikipedia and mobygames and found no difference so far. The description on both gamepages are the same. Beside the Rush-Hour addon wikipedia write about smaller addons downloadable from the webpage, like the Brandenburg Gate or Stonehenge, but the link to it is dead.

Edit: Oh for god sake, I buy it. Btw, found some of the addons (Brandenburger)under
Post edited June 02, 2012 by DukeNukemForever
If you're going to play SC4 you should download the Network Addon Mod
GoJays2025: If you're going to play SC4 you should download the Network Addon Mod
Thanks! I had seen links to this mod before, but ignored them, thinking "I won't play over the net anyway". Your recommendation made me take another look, and I found out that this mod in fact doesn't address online play, but fixes and enhances the traffic networks ... *facepalm to self* ;)

Any other mods that are recommended? At this point I'm mostly interested in graphics enhancements and (if they exist) huge mega-mods with gameplay additions that have been accepted by the community.
If you're interested in buggy, unfinished games then check out Steam's Daily Deal - 75% off Sword of the Stars II.
ABH20: If you're interested in buggy, unfinished games then check out Steam's Daily Deal - 75% off Sword of the Stars II.
It's not a bad game... just unplayable :P it would be a great game if you could you know actually play it for more than 10 minutes...
ABH20: If you're interested in buggy, unfinished games then check out Steam's Daily Deal - 75% off Sword of the Stars II.
You deserve + 1 rep for this .
ABH20: If you're interested in buggy, unfinished games then check out Steam's Daily Deal - 75% off Sword of the Stars II.
ne_zavarj: You deserve + 1 rep for this .
Didn't they promise to have this thing patched up by a certain date? Is not that date fast approaching? Any word? I assume this is another Battlecruiser 3000 AD type game...
ne_zavarj: You deserve + 1 rep for this .
orcishgamer: Didn't they promise to have this thing patched up by a certain date? Is not that date fast approaching? Any word? I assume this is another Battlecruiser 3000 AD type game...
It's had a buttload of patches it's still buggy but they are still releasing patches (one hit last week infact)

and today apparently
Post edited June 02, 2012 by wodmarach
orcishgamer: Didn't they promise to have this thing patched up by a certain date? Is not that date fast approaching? Any word? I assume this is another Battlecruiser 3000 AD type game...
wodmarach: It's had a buttload of patches it's still buggy but they are still releasing patches (one hit last week infact)

and today apparently
Alright, I'm guessing they'll fail in their quest to make this playable and pass:)
Psyringe: Any other mods that are recommended? At this point I'm mostly interested in graphics enhancements and (if they exist) huge mega-mods with gameplay additions that have been accepted by the community.
I'm afraid I'm not sure... I only use NAM myself.

Also, the first Sword of the Stars is on sale as well ($5 for the complete collection).
Post edited June 02, 2012 by GoJays2025
Sword of the Stars Complete Collection (the first part) is also discounted on Steam (4.99 USD/EUR).

mod: I'm late :)
Post edited June 02, 2012 by gyokzoli
orcishgamer: Didn't they promise to have this thing patched up by a certain date? Is not that date fast approaching? Any word? I assume this is another Battlecruiser 3000 AD type game...
Careful, you don't want to summon... HIM.
orcishgamer: Didn't they promise to have this thing patched up by a certain date? Is not that date fast approaching? Any word? I assume this is another Battlecruiser 3000 AD type game...
ABH20: Careful, you don't want to summon... HIM.
You've got to say his name three times.