AFnord: I just noticed something "interesting" about the 1C complete pack.
Check out A-Race extreme show and Adrenalin. Notice anything?
The cover art is identical
The games have a near identical install size (0.47mb difference)
The description of the games is nearly identical. A-race just promises a bit more:
-Spectacular special effects
-Joystick and force-feedback steering wheels support
-Original soundtrack featuring the most popular Russian rock stars
Did 1C put the same game up for sale twice, just changing the name in the process?
I think that it must be more or less the same game....
Perhaps they first published it as "Adrenalin" and then later as "A-Race extreme show".. ?
If you check the description at GG then you will find it identical (?) except game name....
(Maybe it is due to that if they have sold the game at GG as a "title" then they need to keep it as a download as that specific ttle or maybe it is a "contract issue" ?)
Anyway , at "1C Publishing" you will not find "Adrenalin" mentioned at the list of games.... : Here is the link to "A-Race extreme show" also :