cioran: How is that game? Someone I know says it's a rather good, but pretentious sidescroller and another says it's *meh*. I know the critics have been fawning over it, but I honestly don't trust most of them anymore.
I'm kind of on the fence. The music sounds great and the gameplay reminds me of Jill of the Jungle, Jazz Jackrabbit, et al but with puzzles which sounds good.
But every interview with the author makes him seem like an incredibly egomaniacal douchebag. On a scale of 1-10, what's the level of in-game douchebaggery? Does the character randomly break into pomo babble or anything?
The puzzle is genius (and rather hard in later stages). I'm a sucker for this kind of story, so I don't feel I could give a proper rating of douchebaggery for you. ;) But you can almost completely ignore the story if you want. Haven't encountered any cutscenes or lines of dialogues, and the character, AFAIK, is mute.
Note: I haven't collect all the puzzle pieces, though, so I don't know yet about the final stage.