nijuu: Drats. Was waiting for something like this.Oh well.Maybe it will be available from same sellers sometime in future :/
Tallima: If you haven't ordered yet, now is the time. Just 3 copies left.
As luck would have it " We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order. ". ****.Why do places do that? Is it that hard to ship to an international destination?.Argh!!.. and no i couldnt be bothered using Ship to or another forwarding thingie.:/
nijuu: Anything more than $5 (which seems to be the going minimum :/) i deem a ripoff.
spinefarm: Lol... Still Life 2,PAM,Dead Horde and Runespell itself deserve at least 15$
Mate. Have a look at the prices indie bundles we have had in the last 6-12 months. They were either mostly paywateveryouwant or had a low starting minimum. This price creep is kinda shite to be quite frank no matter how much a bundle 'deserves' to be bought for. :/.