grviper: If you want to buy what looks like half of DotEmu PC games at half the price in two $50 packs, now is the time.
Price differentation at it bests: Pack 1 is in euro is 53 % and Dollar only 48% ;-). Pack 2 is a little bit better (€ 57% off, $ 53% off). All games are very often for 50% off on sale, so buying the the packages is only a choice if you don't have already a game and you really want all the games. Buying pack one in Dollar is a no-go!. Sorry dotemu, but this packages are absolutely senseless.
Edit: I should add that some games under 10€ are normally for less than 50% off on sale, but except Kaan and the Megarace games all Anuman games costs 10€ and more.