Antimateria: Does it support controller?
Yeah it does. Not a very good multi-platform game though IMHO. The first Riddick is, oddly enough, superior to the new package in every technical aspect besides general prettiness. I played through the first Riddick (as in, the first release, not the first campaign on the new release) 3.5 times (one of my favourite games), and I still like it more than both the first and second campaigns in the new one. There are many obvious technical issues with the new game, like glitched enemy AI and bullets clipping through solid surfaces, and for some reason that I cannot quite place my finger on, it just lacks... something that the first game had. It's not just nostalgia talking either. I played the first game for the 3.5th time in 2009, and Dark Athena (both campaigns) in 2010.