carnival73: I find it very surprising that there are so many people whom don't already have it.
I don't have the cash to take advantage of the sale but that's the way it usually works for me so I'm just going to bite the bullet and get it from Stream directly the next time I do have the cash.
Reason I've postponed on it in the past is because I'm' not sure how well my PC will run it but it definitely won't be the first game in my Steam library that my system can't run.
I find it surprising they still want as much money for it as they do. The last time it went on sale for around this price, either I didn't have the money or it was before I upgraded my computer.
After getting the original games again here on GOG and playing them, I wanted to finally get Fallout 3 the next time it was on sale. It's been a few months, but this was the sale I was waiting for. Well, kind of.
I feel like I'm one of the three people who haven't even seen what Fallout 3 is like yet (I know it's a departure from the original games. I just haven't been bothered to spoil things with videos). That's part of why I've been wanting to play it, 95% of the time people talk about Fallout these days, they're talking about Fallout 3, so I'm obviously overdue on seeing what all the fuss is about, you know? :)
I know I'm very much in the minority of people interested in Fallout 3 who haven't played it yet. They just don't put it on sale enough, or seem to ever make it $10 or less, which is surprising since everybody
should have it by now, and could boost sales for New Vegas and Honest Hearts and whatnot.