kScope: No, that game is really bad on almost every aspect.
GameRager: I meant for the length of it. I actually like the play....areas were kinda bland when I demo'd it but the storyline(that's there) and some of the bosses I did see made me lol.
lowyhong: Not bad, but for that price you can get a hard copy on eBay too. I like it, it's a mindless shooter that's good for what it is, though a lot of people may disagree.
GameRager: I'd rather have a digital copy for the convenience and figured 5 bucks is ok even if steam closes down and I lose it.
I'm pretty sure that it's always been $5 on Steam and it got some pretty horrible reviews. I've consider it myself but more interested in Steam's other $5 XBox port shooter "Armed and Dangerous" which got some pretty good reviews.