Dragobr: I also recommend Tank Universal. It's still in my backlog, but I liked the demo. You can always try it too.
I'm not sure about that. I have the full game and have lost every motivation to complete it. The demo was cool, but the later missions are awfully tedious. One of them has you running in a maze back and forth trying to capture multiple enemy spawners, and you would be doing the same thing of running about, killing enemies that pose no threat until by a sheer stroke of luck the enemy doesn't intercept you in time, allowing you to take down the last spawner. I stopped 1 or 2 missions after that - it was simply too repetitive and boring to carry on.
Petrell: GamersGate 5 year celebration sale. Ton of games
up to 75 % off! Edit: the sale consists of all
Merdian 4 titles (44 total) at 75% off and is in effect for 27 days and 1 hours from now. Other games on
offer are from standard weekly sale.
Wooohoo nice thanks!
Some of my recommendations:
- Avencast is fun for 3/4 of the game before it becomes annoying and repetitive later, especially against some really overpowered enemies who can kill you in a hit or two. Still, it is worth buying at this price. I like the combo-attack system, very fluid and intuitive.
- Arkham Asylum has great atmosphere, and is one of the most fun games I played last year. It's not overly complex, and the stealth mechanics are more restrictive than the Thief series, but nevertheless I had a jolly whopping time with it.
- Lylian Episode 1 is very short, but it's not a bad game. Combat needs some working on, but it was the unsettling atmosphere that got me hooked.
- The Great White Destroyer is all kinds of epic, and is a good stress-relief game.
- I found Thief Deadly Shadows very enjoyable, though not as good as its predecessors. It had its fair share of problems, but I'd definitely call it a Thief game.