jlg6184: I am not sure I follow. Let me get this straight, the game hasn't actually been released there?
http://store.steampowered.com/app/50460/?cc=jp So far, it's had 3 or 4 different release dates. All of which have come and gone. It's been available on consoles since Octoberish last year. They just refuse to release the PC version.
In fact it's gotten to the point that many Japanese gamers are seeing this as intentional move to prevent the use of cross-region gifts and retail imports (retail imports can only be installed if you have access to a US based VPN - despite promises from 2K that the IP block preventing installation of imports was "removed").
Runehamster: You could check their offer of course, but as far as I know all digitally distributed and boxed copies (I have the boxed copy) included the first two Fates as a matter of course because The Traitor Soul only works when integrated with them anyway.
As far as I recall, the Wild Tangent versions are separate. I bought them all a year or two ago and then had to get a refund as the DRM used in the Wild Tangent versions refused to work on my OS.