* Age of Decadence; proved to be one of the best cRPGs i've played, even if it has its share of flaws.
* Dead Space; technical problems aside (bad port but easily fixable), i enjoyed it a lot.
* NEO Scavenger; it has been on my wishlist for a while but then some day i pulled the trigger; glad i did because it's a very good game, albeit a difficult one.
Charon121: Realms of the Haunting. Expected a clunky, outdated piece of software, was taken on a grand adventure spanning mythical worlds. Something in that game just clicked for me despite the simplistic combat for an FPS.
Excellent game; i played it on release and back then it used to be creepy enough, something that is lost now since it aged a lot (well, one could say it was already aged on release..). Still, the atmosphere is there, even without all the modern VFX.