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Cadaver747: Uncharted is "juvenile" all right ;)
Good looking tech demo with goofy protagonist and god awful stupid enemies, the game has questionable physics and unnatural bullet mechanics. Thank god they improved greatly with The Last of Us.

Batman Arkham games can not be considered as console exclusives since we have PC ports. Not "juvenile" but childish at times.
Bah, I like em(Uncharted1-3 which I played...didn't play 4 or the prequel yet). :D

Also yeah Last of Us is very good.....did you play the side story with ellie?
Post edited June 23, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: Also yeah Last of Us is very good.....did you play the side story with ellie?
Of course I did. I played the Remastered Edition on PS4, the DLC with Ellie story was included and I was thirsty to have more soon after I finished the base game. And in my opinion the side story is significantly better and I'm not talking about friendship scene, it was not very interesting or touching, I mean the whole emphasis on human killing human shown from different perspective. This game made me feel how cruel men are and that monsters at least can be "trusted" ;)
(no spoilers were given)
Post edited June 23, 2019 by Cadaver747
Cadaver747: These games are definitely not "juvenile".
I'll look at those, thanks.
Wait, those games are on PC, or just console? If I was unclear earlier I apologize, I was talking about console to pc ports.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by BlueMooner
Cadaver747: These games are definitely not "juvenile".
BlueMooner: I'll look at those, thanks.
Wait, those games are on PC, or just console? If I was unclear earlier I apologize, I was talking about console to pc ports.
I was talking about console exclusives. PC ports are not available since all games were produced by Sony.
GameRager: Also yeah Last of Us is very good.....did you play the side story with ellie?
Cadaver747: Of course I did. I played the Remastered Edition on PS4, the DLC with Ellie story was included and I was thirsty to have more soon after I finished the base game. And in my opinion the side story is significantly better and I'm not talking about friendship scene, it was not very interesting or touching, I mean the whole emphasis on human killing human shown from different perspective. This game made me feel how cruel men are and that monsters at least can be "trusted" ;)
(no spoilers were given)
I liked all the mini games and the different outcomes for each....I also liked the friendship and found it touching....also I liked how there was little fighting yet it was still engaging.
GameRager: This is a good reason why I saved up for awhile and bought multiple used(old and modern) systems so I could try various exclusives.
fr33kSh0w2012: That's why I go to various websites with emulators so I can play old PS1 discs in my PC :D
Wait, you *silll* have an optical drive?
dtgreene: Wait, you *silll* have an optical drive?
Why not?
dtgreene: Wait, you *silll* have an optical drive?
What else would you rip CDs with? Also I have some old games that require the disk in the drive. (Yes, even if you rip them, and no, they're not on GOG so I can't re-buy them to get rid of the DRM.)
fr33kSh0w2012: That's why I go to various websites with emulators so I can play old PS1 discs in my PC :D
dtgreene: Wait, you *silll* have an optical drive?
As others have said: Some older games(which people still own) are on physical disc, and console games can be emulated that way as well(if one doesn't use disc images of owned games).

dtgreene: Wait, you *silll* have an optical drive?
eric5h5: What else would you rip CDs with? Also I have some old games that require the disk in the drive. (Yes, even if you rip them, and no, they're not on GOG so I can't re-buy them to get rid of the DRM.)
What about no-cd/dvd patches? o.0
Post edited June 23, 2019 by GameRager
I wonder if a developer actually made an intentional long loading time as a joke. Like after a long loading the character say "Long loading time isn't it?" and give a wink before the screen entered another loading screen.
dtgreene: I haven't played it, but Sonic '06 is rather infamous for its loading times.

(Note that the music on the load screens is bot in the actual game; it was edited into the video, and is from a different game that is actually worth playing and has no load times.)
Retsuperae actully did a complete Let's Play in their site and you can hear them slowly going insane as the series goes on and on. Also someone did some time calculation and the totalloading time for the game is way longer than total gameplay time.


Also a game that can make a Game Grump having a mental breakdown (This game and Mario Sunshine Pachinko level) is a game you can feed to your enemy.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by RedRagan
GameRager: respawn
BlueMooner: Respawns? Really?? That further damages realism. Next you'll tell me it gives achievements.

Cadaver747: occasionally there are really good exclusives
BlueMooner: Such as? I just have an overall negative experience with console games. Not just map size, but incredibly simplified (dare I say "juvenile") content and plot, and a clunky, blocky feel. Jade Empire sounded awesome, but gameplay was sadly underwhelming.
Calling console "juvenile" and "simplified" it's a simpleton way of thinking. You do realize that even PC got a ton of juvenile oriented games and many are simplified as well. It's like calling console is for toddler when many people here got their first gaming experience from console and people cherish them. This is why some people despise the so called "PC Master Race" that term was coined by Yahtzee as a joke but some people took it too seriously and wore it as an actual badge.
toxicTom: Ever played Beneath a Steel Sky on Amiga from Diskettes? Zen or quit.
No wonder it's given for free on GOG. At least I played it on more modern computer and not tortured by the loading time.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by RedRagan
toxicTom: Ever played Beneath a Steel Sky on Amiga from Diskettes? Zen or quit.
RedRagan: No wonder it's given for free on GOG. At least I played it on more modern computer and not tortured by the loading time.
Did you hear some guys are making a part 2 to that game after all this time? Here's to hoping it's good. :)
The Playstation 2 version of Rune is the best example of loading screens totally ruining a game.

But well I guess you can say that about most of the early PS2 titles, loading screens were so frequent and so damn long it's atrocious.
RedRagan: I wonder if a developer actually made an intentional long loading time as a joke. Like after a long loading the character say "Long loading time isn't it?" and give a wink before the screen entered another loading screen.
Actually, Evoland plays with this a bit. There is one point in the game where you will encounter load screens when you go from one screen to another, and there is an item you can buy that gets rid of them.
RedRagan: No wonder it's given for free on GOG. At least I played it on more modern computer and not tortured by the loading time.
GameRager: Did you hear some guys are making a part 2 to that game after all this time? Here's to hoping it's good. :)
I hope it's good. A bit criticism for the game is that the main character looks so out of place with his longcoat among his tribe. Sure he found it in the junk but for someone who lives in the dump he looks like he's hitting gym and eating protein like there's no tomorrow. The ending is nice though.