Mafwek: Real time with pause ain't RTS, sorry.
tinyE: So Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, Age of Empires 3, Homeworld, Homeworld 2, Galactic Battlegrounds, Dark Reign 1, Dark Reign 2, Total Annihilation, EVERY Supreme Commander, EVERY C&C, and EVERY Red Alert are NOT RTS games?
Okay that means there are what, two or three games in the entire genre?
Good to know. :P
I haven't seen anyone play them with pause so they can tactically plan their build orders, and I watched at least 200 hours of Age of Empires 2 matches alone.
(side note: get motherfucking Age 2 here Microsoft, I want to join multiplayer scene)
I mean you can do it and it's not bad (although "good" and "bad" are terms which I loathe to use), but technically there exists a term called RTwP.