nightcraw1er.488: There really isn't such a thing. These terms are only relevant in the context of perspective. Someone mentioned it unove as well, freedom fighter/rebel from the perspective of supporter is terrorist from the other perspective. These are also inflicted by the winner of such occurences, Rome fighting the barbarians is a good one, or you could say Rome bringing slavery and ethnic cleansing from the other point of view. History and politics are both lies and there is no such thing as right and wrong, noble ideas and such like, there are only winners and losers.
To add, long live the dark side!
Yeah, but I would argue there is such a thing as humane action, common decency, common sense and compassion for the weak :P ... which are not necessary to be connected with winners or losers of any (hi)story - but in this sense the rebels either have it or don't, and lacking it, could be, in this context at least, "bad", and just be egoistic bastards no matter under which ideology or banner they fight.
Baldur's Gate 2 comes to mind, as I'm playing it now, seems like the good guys are the ones in charge... The city if not some bigger entity at least, there fore, I must be fighting against the rebels :D