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Breja: As for the avatar, just move your mouse over it, to see the new one ("hidden" by the forum bug).
Oh for crying out loud, at least I finally understand the "Stop Devolution!" bullshit. Isn't that directly against official forum guidelines, more specifically:
"Be polite and treat others just like you want them to treat you. Everyone should feel comfortable and therefore any language or content that is harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or offensive in any other way will not be tolerated. This also includes links to such content;" and possibly "Keep within the law - submitting any materials intended to commit or promote illegal acts will get you a ban. Also, don't post any content that's not your work or to which you don't have a license."?

Somebody should inform a blue I suppose, that's way beyond crossing the line...
Post edited June 30, 2016 by Fenixp
TARFU: Why not? Just because someone else might be uncivil doesn't mean I have to stoop to that level.
Breja: There's quite a bit of difference between ignoring his threads and not answering him, and "stooping to his level". That would require calling him "subhuman filth" or something like that. I don't advocate that. We can be civil about showing him the door.

As for the avatar, just move your mouse over it, to see the new one ("hidden" by the forum bug).
I dunno, he's never done anything to me personally and while I may not agree with his opinion, I figure he's entitled to them the same as any of us are entitled to ours. It's not as if he's blowing up the airport in Istanbul, right? Spouting nonsense on an internet forum is pretty tame as things go.

Also, his question that started this thread is worded in a respectful and friendly manner. I'll respond likewise until such time as I am attacked personally. Can't we all just get along?
Breja: As for the avatar, just move your mouse over it, to see the new one ("hidden" by the forum bug).
Fenixp: Oh for crying out loud, at least I finally understand the "Stop Devolution!" bullshit. Isn't that directly against official forum guidelines, more specifically:
"Be polite and treat others just like you want them to treat you. Everyone should feel comfortable and therefore any language or content that is harassing, intimidating, threatening, discriminating, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or offensive in any other way will not be tolerated. This also includes links to such content;" and possibly "Keep within the law - submitting any materials intended to commit or promote illegal acts will get you a ban. Also, don't post any content that's not your work or to which you don't have a license."?

Somebody should inform a blue I suppose, that's way beyond crossing the line...
Well by those rules I should have been booted a few minutes after I joined. :P
Fus Ro Dah?
Breja: There's quite a bit of difference between ignoring his threads and not answering him, and "stooping to his level". That would require calling him "subhuman filth" or something like that. I don't advocate that. We can be civil about showing him the door.

As for the avatar, just move your mouse over it, to see the new one ("hidden" by the forum bug).
TARFU: I dunno, he's never done anything to me personally and while I may not agree with his opinion, I figure he's entitled to them the same as any of us are entitled to ours. It's not as if he's blowing up the airport in Istanbul, right? Spouting nonsense on an internet forum is pretty tame as things go.

Also, his question that started this thread is worded in a respectful and friendly manner. I'll respond likewise until such time as I am attacked personally. Can't we all just get along?
Let me put it this way- with no moderation I think we're obliged to police ourselves. And I am willing to put up with an insane amount of bullshit. I don't mind being personally insulted, that does not faze me. I don't mind people voiceing their opinions, no matter how stupid they are, or how much I disagree. But I do draw a line at hatespeech on the level of actually calling any group of people "subhumans" and stuff like that. In fact, how can we "all get along" if we allow something like that here? If we do, it's no "let's all get along" it's "let's pretend we're not seeing a problem because it's easier that way". People who say things like that are not people anyone decent should "get along with".
TARFU: I dunno, he's never done anything to me personally and while I may not agree with his opinion, I figure he's entitled to them the same as any of us are entitled to ours. It's not as if he's blowing up the airport in Istanbul, right? Spouting nonsense on an internet forum is pretty tame as things go.

Also, his question that started this thread is worded in a respectful and friendly manner. I'll respond likewise until such time as I am attacked personally. Can't we all just get along?
Breja: Let me put it this way- with no moderation I think we're obliged to police ourselves. And I am willing to put up with an insane amount of bullshit. I don't mind being personally insulted, that does not faze me. I don't mind people voiceing their opinions, no matter how stupid they are, or how much I disagree. But I do draw a line at hatespeech on the level of actually calling any group of people "subhumans" and stuff like that. In fact, how can we "all get along" if we allow something like that here? If we do, it's no "let's all get along" it's "let's pretend we're not seeing a problem because it's easier that way". People who say things like that are not people anyone decent should "get along with".
Well, I guess the difference I am seeing here is that I don't believe in the concept of "hate speech". There is only speech one agrees with, speech one disagrees with, and speech one is indifferent to. Furthermore, Being a denizen of the internet since 1995 and a denizen of earth for much longer, I have skin made of titanium armor and 99.9% of trolling (especially trolling so obvious) bounces off of me.
TARFU: Well, I guess the difference I am seeing here is that I don't believe in the concept of "hate speech". There is only speech one agrees with, speech one disagrees with, and speech one is indifferent to.
There's constructive and there's destructive sharing of ideas and opinions. The former is helpful and useful. The latter is ... Well, not.
TARFU: Well, I guess the difference I am seeing here is that I don't believe in the concept of "hate speech". There is only speech one agrees with, speech one disagrees with, and speech one is indifferent to.
Fenixp: There's constructive and there's destructive sharing of ideas and opinions. The former is helpful and useful. The latter is ... Well, not.
There's a lot of gray area open to interpretation in between those two extremes.
Why are you even discussing this? In EVERY OTHER SANE forum, the man would be fodder for the ban cannon.
sunshinecorp: Why are you even discussing this? In EVERY OTHER SANE forum, the man would be fodder for the ban cannon.
I actually prefer forums where the mods take a light hand. Reminds me of the old heydays of the internet, chat rooms, etc.

Just let any opinions you disagree with roll off of you like water off a duck's back.
TARFU: I actually prefer forums where the mods take a light hand. Reminds me of the old heydays of the internet, chat rooms, etc.

Just let any opinions you disagree with roll off of you like water off a duck's back.
Even a light hand would give this fucker a very heavy slap. The GOG forum is completely handless.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by sunshinecorp
TARFU: I dunno, he's never done anything to me personally and while I may not agree with his opinion, I figure he's entitled to them the same as any of us are entitled to ours. It's not as if he's blowing up the airport in Istanbul, right? Spouting nonsense on an internet forum is pretty tame as things go.

Also, his question that started this thread is worded in a respectful and friendly manner. I'll respond likewise until such time as I am attacked personally. Can't we all just get along?
I have to agree with this. Maybe I haven't followed closely all of his writings, but at worst I've found them silly more than something to get worked up over. Like that story about his kickboxing dwarf ex-girlfriend who threatened to kick his ass, I got a chuckle over it.

If he has a genuine question about something, I see no reason not to answer him. Then again others already mentioned the Ultima Underworld games, so I don't have anything more to add.

EDIT: It is a bit like that discussion about Phil Fish. Apparently he has said some things that made many people vewy vewy angry and they vowed never to buy any of his games, like ever. I couldn't care less (but then I am unsure what exactly made him so hated). I have bought Fez and i am looking forward to play it, some day. That Superhypercube game looks silly though, some kind of VR Tetris?
Post edited July 01, 2016 by timppu
sunshinecorp: Why are you even discussing this? In EVERY OTHER SANE forum, the man would be fodder for the ban cannon.
TARFU: I actually prefer forums where the mods take a light hand. Reminds me of the old heydays of the internet, chat rooms, etc.

Just let any opinions you disagree with roll off of you like water off a duck's back.
Ok, a few things.

I do not like heavy moderation. I agree about that. But we have NONE. I believe that puts a certain responsibility on us, especially given how many people actually want to keep it that way (no moderation that is). If that's how people want to keep it, than they should themselves keep some standards.

Second- the great thing about this forum used to be you didn't need to have a "titanium skin". Why are we suddenly so accepting of this being the new norm for us here?

Like I said, I'm not bothered by insults directed at me, it's not about my feelings getting hurt. I've been called many "nice" things by some of my esteemed colleagues on this forum. I'm not calling for them to be ostracized, and I am not a member of any minority. It's not a personal matter. And it's not about "opinions I disagree with". I'm not saying people who say we should ban creationists and people who belive that the Earth is flat. It's about nazi-level rhetorics about subhumans or gas chambers (the latter wasn't Bradley, but we're arguing the princple I think, not just his case). It's about trying to keep this a friendly place for people who do not have a skin made of titanium, who are not hardened by facing the worst of the internet since ninteen ninty fuck.

I've been here for a couple of years. I have benefited from this community's generosity, sense of humor, game recommendations. I am not the most active or "community-minded" person here. But still, I do feel a certain obligation to try and keep this place as friendly for others as it was when I found it. And a certain obligation to just, as a decent human being, not to let such level of hatred and base, mundane evil slide. That's why I think we need some moderation here, for extreme cases, and failing that, we need to show such people the door ourselves, as well as we can.
timppu: I have to agree with this. Maybe I haven't followed closely all of his writings, but at worst I've found them silly more than something to get worked up over. Like that story about his kickboxing dwarf ex-girlfriend who threatened to kick his ass, I got a chuckle over it.
Have a butcher's then (at the attachment). I'm sure other's can point you to some other gems.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by Breja
Here is another winner.

It takes a special kind of idiot to thank the Mafia for putting an end to crime. :P
Post edited July 01, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: Here is another winner.

It takes a special kind of idiot to thank the Mafia for putting an end to crime. :P
Pardon me tinyE, but I may have noticed an inconsistency.

Not to long ago you exposed someone for bringing up something unrelated to the topic at hand. So why now are you talking about how bad Bradley boy is (and he doesn't seem very nice) when he is just asking about what games have runes in them? Not that I would be more consistent with that moral, I can't go 17 nanoseconds without inserting Freddi Fish 2 into every thread ever!

In any case, I await your rebuttal.