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I'm sure OP was just joking since no employees ever actually play games while they're working.

But I guess it's a good thing no government collects all of our information and shares it with corporations (or vice versa) , otherwise someone might get in trouble for posting a joke like this.
Post edited December 21, 2017 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: But I guess it's a good thing no government collects all of our information and shares it with corporations (or vice versa) ,
Umm, are you from another planet?
Post edited December 21, 2017 by Tauto
Thanks for all the tips!
No im not gonna start trading rl :)

And i dont play while i work, i play at downtimes. I monitor IT systems and unless im handling an alarm, i dont realy have much to do so now and then i get 15 mins where i dont have anything to do other than just strutting around on the webb. Might aswell have fun while doing it :)
No plans on starting playing games insted of doing my job so that moral cake can someone ellse eat twm :)
OldFatGuy: But I guess it's a good thing no government collects all of our information and shares it with corporations (or vice versa) ,
Tauto: Umm, are you from another planet?
yes he's from mars, your from Venus, haven't you read the books?

Deadrat, are you looking for something that is a long term play, IE more then 40hrs or just a quick open play get er done then remove?

I've logged 1200+ hours in both Skyrim, fallout 4, the witcher series
and I've also run through Hellblade, Dragon's dogma. tales from the borderlands
Post edited December 21, 2017 by Dejavous
Tauto: Umm, are you from another planet?
Dejavous: yes he's from mars, your from Venus, haven't you read the books?

Deadrat, are you looking for something that is a long term play, IE more then 40hrs or just a quick open play get er done then remove?

I've logged 1200+ hours in both Skyrim, fallout 4, the witcher series
and I've also run through Hellblade, Dragon's dogma. tales from the borderlands
Well both realy but they cant be as advanced as skyrim etc since it would take me like 10 days just to get out of the starter dungeon :) So the game has to be kinda simple, pick up and go for 5 mins kinda thing.
i allso have 1000h + in the TES games (on each) but on my free time :)
Dejavous: yes he's from mars, your from Venus, haven't you read the books?

Deadrat, are you looking for something that is a long term play, IE more then 40hrs or just a quick open play get er done then remove?

I've logged 1200+ hours in both Skyrim, fallout 4, the witcher series
and I've also run through Hellblade, Dragon's dogma. tales from the borderlands
Deadrat: Well both realy but they cant be as advanced as skyrim etc since it would take me like 10 days just to get out of the starter dungeon :) So the game has to be kinda simple, pick up and go for 5 mins kinda thing.
i allso have 1000h + in the TES games (on each) but on my free time :)
Have you tried Hellblade yet, fairly short about 14 hours casual play and you can stop at a moments notice as well as have a decent story/game
nightcraw1er.488: Start playing the Forgeign Exchange market, or online selling, double your income - well your already playing games at work, may as well make some money...
I've tried that a couple of times, but I always lose to the end-boss in that game (George Soros). No matter what I do, he beats me with those damn laser eyes and continuously throwing hedge funds at me. I usually lose all my money at that point, and then my life.
Post edited December 21, 2017 by timppu
Deadrat: Well both realy but they cant be as advanced as skyrim etc since it would take me like 10 days just to get out of the starter dungeon :) So the game has to be kinda simple, pick up and go for 5 mins kinda thing.
i allso have 1000h + in the TES games (on each) but on my free time :)
Dejavous: Have you tried Hellblade yet, fairly short about 14 hours casual play and you can stop at a moments notice as well as have a decent story/game
Doubht my work laptop can handle that though :(
Dejavous: Have you tried Hellblade yet, fairly short about 14 hours casual play and you can stop at a moments notice as well as have a decent story/game
Deadrat: Doubht my work laptop can handle that though :(
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
Processor: Intel i5 3570K / AMD FX-8350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GTX 770 with 2GB VRAM / Radeon R9 280X 3GB
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 30 GB available space
Additional Notes: Minimum spec screen resolution: 1280x720

not too demanding
Here is a reminder that you should use part of the slack time for keeping yourself up to date in your field of expertise.
Deadrat: Doubht my work laptop can handle that though :(
Dejavous: MINIMUM:
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
Processor: Intel i5 3570K / AMD FX-8350
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GTX 770 with 2GB VRAM / Radeon R9 280X 3GB
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 30 GB available space
Additional Notes: Minimum spec screen resolution: 1280x720

not too demanding
I know but it has builtin Intel HD graphics :) They put all the money in to fast hadrdrives, high cpu and RAM instead :)
Themken: Here is a reminder that you should use part of the slack time for keeping yourself up to date in your field of expertise.
I know. And when the company pays IBM 2000+ usd to get me acces to the latest cources, i will :)
Basicly the only way to keep up to date with what i do is to buy a 200k+USD server from IBM and then install it with the new changes so its not just, google and get info kinda stuff. Might not appear so but i know what im doing at work :)
Post edited December 21, 2017 by Deadrat
Solitaire and Minesweeper!!

toxicTom: Solitaire and Minesweeper!!

Actually, they'd get my vote. Although I've never played games at school or work, I occasionally have nightmares where the game(s) won't minimize when my boss or coworkers walk in. Full-screen games would be too risky, but windowed ones like Solitaire and Minesweeper inspire more confidence.
I would think installing them on a company PC would be an issue. I'm sure most employee handbooks and employment contracts have some sort of clause disallowing that.

Having said that, something turn based that you can save and quit quickly would work. Like a Civilization or Master of Orion would work.
drmike: I would think installing them on a company PC would be an issue. I'm sure most employee handbooks and employment contracts have some sort of clause disallowing that.

Having said that, something turn based that you can save and quit quickly would work. Like a Civilization or Master of Orion would work.
Nope. We have no restrictions aslong as its not harmfull, ie backdoors, viruses etc.

Thanks for the sugestions :)
Post edited December 22, 2017 by Deadrat