Point_Man: I contacted GOG regarding Dragon's Dogma being out of date 9 months ago and they said they were working on the update and it should show up eventually but didn't know when it would. So it's been 9 months... To be fair they offered me a refund, but i declined and said i'll just wait for the update...
Desmight: I got the game refunded a few months ago for the same issue, but I'm considering buying it again and just waiting for the update to land on GOG (I mean, it
has to arrive, sooner or later). It's at its historical low price here at the moment, and I want a DRM-free copy (even though I already have it on Steam), but at the same time I don't want to give Capcom any money for their attitude towards GOG customers.
Ps: actually, a Connect promo would be perfect for me, but it's highly unlikely. Capcom would never do something pro-consumer.
I'd be happy if they'd just get the basic missing updates the Steam version has that are unrelated to the pawn system problems, but Capcom, gog, or whoever can't even manage that which is why I got a refund some months ago.
I don't even know why Capcom bothers if they're going to half-ass every gog release. Well, actually I do. It's so Capcom can point to low sales as an excuse to not release further games on gog that don't have these issues.