asbijou: Thanks everyone for kind words and feedback. Talking to community is very important and I'd like to mention that I am here not to fight but to find a common ground.
Thank you. I'm also just trying to share my perspective, not trying to flog you even if I have some strong opinions :)
Thank you for posting a link because I can't do that yet as a newbie. Linux version wasn't broken. At least, we never received any reports about blockers or bugs. And yes, there's no mention of Windows because Windows is a default platform. If we fixed anything on Linux, we would definitely specify that. I hope we won't end up in another list for that, something like 'devs who treat Linux users as a second class citizens'.
Well this list right here also covers games that have missing mac & linux ports so I think we're good!
Anyway, if the Linux version isn't broken, that's great. Surely you do understand why people would be concerned if it says 1.5.x on Steam and 1.4.x on GOG though. And looking at the change log, most of the changes seemed like they're related to game logic, which I (as a software developer) assumed would apply to all platforms equally. But you know your game better than I do :)
Then it should be named in a proper way. Even when you say 'games that treat' instead of 'devs who treat' it is the same for us, devs. Games are our children and we are responsible for them. Hence, we are responsible for treating you as a second class citizens. That's harsh. I do understand, some of you had a lot of negative experience with some games or even some devs but not all devs are the same. Also, some decisions are up to publisher and we are powerless to change anything even if we don't agree with it. You should always remember that.
I agree it sounds harsh, but if you can step in the buyers shoes for a moment, consider whether it really matters who's ultimately at fault? The end result is the same: customers who make the mistake of buying these listed games on GOG will miss out. I think that is quite harsh. Sometimes it's because of the publisher, sometimes it's because of the developer, sometimes it's both, sometimes it's a licensing issue involving yet another party.. even GOG screws up from time to time. Due to NDAs and the secrecy involved in licensing deals and really everything that goes behind the scenes, it's not like we have any way of knowing (until the guilty party admits their fault).
Also, I don't think you can disclaim all liability for publishers' actions and at the same time treat all criticism concerning your game as personal. And then again, someone up there did choose that publisher, right? And they also signed that contract with them. It's not like the publisher is some uninvited third party who came out of nowhere and just took the game and started doing shit :) So when a game goes on this list, we're not pointing a finger too much at a specific entity; both publisher and the developer are listed because it's a great starting point for resolving these issues (and seeing if there's an unfortunate trend involving specific publishers or developers..). I think the list's title serves its purpose, it's not like we can cram all the possible entities at fault into it. It's just the 'game' alright.
Just wondering, how do you think we should do that? 'Hey, GoG folks, we just released a DLC on Steam. It is not a real DLC but a way to get some money from grateful Steam users. Care to join?' That's not even funny. Also, we never thought it would be a problem. And there's no such thing on GOG as News and Announcements, just forums. I am not an active GOG user, to be frank, I just learned today that our game actually has a forum here. But this message above isn't good enough even for forums.
I admit that there are no great solutions, and your DLC in particular is an odd one out. But you do have a Q/A thread on steam forums, and also a "Where to report problems" thread. It's unfortunate that you didn't know about the existence of GOG forums until now, but I'm not blaming you for it. In any case, I think having such threads on the GOG forum could have resulted in the issues being brought up and resolved right there before the game ended up on this list. I think people *usually* look around and try to contact devs/publishers before (or when) putting a game up here. I'm sorry that didn't happen this time. I guess that's how much confusion a version number lagging behind since nearly two years ago can cause?
I am sorry but what changes if I post anything to the forums? You still have to scratch your head and figure it out, to find and read my message.
I mean communication is a good way to resolve misunderstandings, and that's why we're thankful you've decided to post here. Perhaps the outcome of forum activity would've been that your game wouldn't have sat on a "naughty list" for over half a year? I don't know, maybe the version number disparity would've been resolved? I think people usually look around a bit first before they rush to report an outdated game here, so I think this could have been avoided.
And if you are not gonna check the difference, you will never learn there's a DLC on Steam, ain't it?
Yeah. Someone must have noticed there's a DLC and they thought: yet another outdated game with DLC missing on GOG. Not a good sign. Honestly I'm not sure what to think about that one DLC, it's an odd one out. Like you say, there probably aren't too many people who'd buy it here. I understand why you would bring it to Steam only. I totally understand why you thought it's ok (and I think it's ok). But once again, some perspective: many gamers here are collectors. They want all the extras. Even if it's just artbooks, vanity items, soundtracks, outfits or whatever. Even cards. I understand why these people feel like they miss out when they realize they can't, for whatever weird reason, buy all the DLC they'd get to buy if they had chosen to shop on a different store. This list is generally useful for these collectors. In any case, each individual gets to judge whether the listed problem bothers them. Would the regional restrictions on some Japanese game keep me from buying it here? Generally, no. Would it be damn good to know if I were planning to play that game with a friend from Japan? Yes, absolutely!
No argument here. Unfortunately, Steam is usually in focus because of a big player base and money it brings. In the end of the day, that's just business and it is always about money, not about art. But sometimes there are other reasons. As I mentioned before, we never used GOG much and didn't know about the forums if they were available on the game's release. Also, we have a tiny team with no CM to cover all platforms. I am sorry for the lack of coverage, it wasn't intended.
Yeah, no problem. Honestly very few devs bother with the GOG forums (and I suspect many don't know about it, even though every game page on the store links to the forums..), so it's pretty much expected. That's why we're all that much more thankful when someone does in fact decide to join us for a chat.
Btw, you can probably contact GOG they'll give you a Developer tag. Your forum text will turn golden. Like here, for example:
Anyway, I asked my folks to double check the Linux build. If anything's wrong, we'll probably make an update. Also, we will discuss the mentioned problem with the so-called DLC, though I reckon no one is actually gonna buy it here.
Thanks a lot!