phaolo: Dude.. they provided a tool for feedback and we're using it.
Should we just stay silent because feature wishlists are "naive"?
And you can't expect users to suggest practical details to a business..
The intention is ok (just like world peace is I guess), but people have hard time even agreeing what they should be agreeing about.
Some e.g. say that GOG should not sell any games that are missing any feature from a Steam version, be it some DLC, update (even a non-critical one), multiplayer, achievements, a separate soundtrack... but e.g. I am firmly against that. It goes case by case, usually I don't e.g. care at all if the GOG version is missing achievements or multiplayer or some non-critical update. Or if some update appears a week or month later to the GOG version, at least if it is not a game-breaking bug.
Having said that, I certainly am not against it that GOG tries to keep the GOG versions up-to-date, and is open about what the GOG version has and doesn't have so that the buyers know what they are buying. Somehow, I think GOG already knows that, and they also want GOG versions not to be "inferior versions", blocking people from buying them. It is common sense, just like world peace (unless Hitler 2.0 or Stalin 3.0 tries to conquer the world of course, in which case I retract my words and want everyone to attack now with nuclear weapons and whatnot, just to stop them).
In the most severe cases, GOG does and has removed a game from the store if the developer seems to have lost interest trying to update and support the GOG version at all.