Posted June 19, 2018
I guess I don't experience as much big disappointment because I don't usually expect so much from games. For example, I know that a lot of die hard rpg fans keep for some reason hoping/expecting/demanding that upcoming rpgs are going to be stat-heavy, dice-rolling, turn-based, choice-and-consequence masterpieces. But I'm never quite sure where those hopes come from exactly. I love the character build affect on gameplay from FO2, but then again I never expected that a Bethesda FO3 would have that, so I wasn't that disappointed. In fact, I liked FO3, in spite of the fact that I hung out at No Mutants Allowed for the few years leading up to its release. The butthurt was amazing over there! But I played the game to see what it was like, and it was fun. I can critique plenty about it, but I generally enjoyed playing it. And modding it. I understand the people who say "If it wasn't called Fallout, it would be OK." But then again, that complaint isn't the same as saying I was disappointed by the game.
idbeholdME: Mass Effect 2 - story was okay (although still a complete filler), but the gameplay was catastrophic. I was contemplating switching to the easiest difficulty just to see the story and be done with it ASAP. Stand there, shoot till your screen turns red, hide for 3 seconds, repeat till boredom or end of the game. An interactive movie would have been more enjoyable.
Dragon Age II - probably the most severe case of consolitis to date.
Dragon Age Inquisition - it is too obvious it was originally meant to be an MMO. Maps way too big and practically empty with little points of interest. Uninteresting and unthreatening villain. Flashy combat. "Engaging" quests: "I know you have to save the world, but could you please find my lost bull? Thank you, I know that you are going to do it because it is now in your quest log and it will never disappear unless you finish it BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!". How could you still be disappointed by the time Inquisition came out? Hadn't two Bioware games that you didn't like taught you anything? What were you hoping for from Inquisition that you were disappointed?

Dragon Age II - probably the most severe case of consolitis to date.
Dragon Age Inquisition - it is too obvious it was originally meant to be an MMO. Maps way too big and practically empty with little points of interest. Uninteresting and unthreatening villain. Flashy combat. "Engaging" quests: "I know you have to save the world, but could you please find my lost bull? Thank you, I know that you are going to do it because it is now in your quest log and it will never disappear unless you finish it BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!".
Post edited June 19, 2018 by misteryo