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Seb-gog: Playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, and it's way better than I expected!
Sandboxy like Far Cry games, but more tension.

I also have Ghost Warrior Contracts to play later on, but when will we get Ghost Warrior Contracts 2?
It's been out for over 2 years!!
Seems to be the best game they've made (CI Games) so maybe it still sells to good over on that other dreaded store?
Or they feel done with GOG?
I guess they've sold well here, cause they don't have much competition for sniping FPS games in here...or military FPS at all...
ask ci games.
Mjauv: ask ci games.
Yeah they actually had a regular info-mail, so I tried that one - I'll let you know if I get any answer!

I've bought both GW3 and Contracts on GOG - great games!
Contracts 2 has been out for over 2 years, so when might we get that one too on GOG?
I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting, quite a few users have wishlisted it already.

Best regards,
Seb-gog: Playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, and it's way better than I expected!
Sandboxy like Far Cry games, but more tension.

I also have Ghost Warrior Contracts to play later on, but when will we get Ghost Warrior Contracts 2?
It's been out for over 2 years!!
Seems to be the best game they've made (CI Games) so maybe it still sells to good over on that other dreaded store?
Or they feel done with GOG?
I guess they've sold well here, cause they don't have much competition for sniping FPS games in here...or military FPS at all...
Won't waste too much thread space here, but...

... IMHO SGW3 is a solid game -- and a good Far Cry 2 "clone" -- just short of great (due mainly to technical issues). SGW CONTRACTS' corridor shooting was deflating after 3's open world. SGW CONTRACTS 2 was a marked improvement over CONTRACTS, but still not as good as SGW3.

Yeah, military FPS are definitely slim pickings on GOG.
Any idea why the cadence of AAA or AA releases have slowed down significantly on GoG.
I feel of late there are very few good releases.
OutlinedComic: Any idea why the cadence of AAA or AA releases have slowed down significantly on GoG.
I feel of late there are very few good releases.
I don't know, but my guess is...

... as the global economy contracts...

... corporations are holding more tightly to their products and IP.
Is anyone's guess really, the weeks coming up to the anniversary, and the anniversary itself, have been really bad, and it doesn't seem to be picking up
I would personally argue that the period of time where we got games like Skyrim, Yakuza, and Fallout 4 were an anomaly; for most of its existence, GOG has been overlooked by a large number of triple-A developers. Maybe they throw you a bone and you get one or two very old games, but that's it.

In addition, for each major release GOG gets, it's one fewer release they can get. Law of diminishing returns and all that.

Finally, it's possible the sales numbers just didn't meet developer/publisher expectations. There's always lots of hype when a big game releases, but also hundreds of posts saying something to the effect of "Nice! Wishlisted for later" or "I'll definitely grab this when it's discounted", which suggests to me that the people bringing their games here aren't really getting much in return, especially compared to that other storefront.
OutlinedComic: Any idea why the cadence of AAA or AA releases have slowed down significantly on GoG.
I don't think they have actually "slowed down significantly," since GOG always only releases a small number of top tier premium games in any given year, and with very long droughts between the release of high quality premium games.

So 2023 is no different in that regard.

Rather, it's just another continuation of the usual status quo that happens on GOG every single year.

One thing that is slightly different about 2023 though, is that GOG released their Endless Space releases very shortly after their Yakuza series releases, which typically is probably something that GOG wouldn't usually have done, since GOG usually prefers to space out & stagger the releases of the very few premium quality games that they acquire in any given year, but that time, they didn't for some strange & unknown reason.
Post edited October 17, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Remember when Good OLD Games actually released old games almost every week, instead of a few times a year? Good times.
high rated
Stig79: Remember when Good OLD Games actually released old games almost every week, instead of a few times a year? Good times.
Don't worry. New games are getting older and older :)
OutlinedComic: Any idea why the cadence of AAA or AA releases have slowed down significantly on GoG.
I feel of late there are very few good releases.
The being of the year was strong for GOG. Unless you're talking about brand new AA/AAA games being released?

We had serval big name games released. it's always seem slow this time of the year for GOG, with releasing games. Imo

They usually wait until winter sales to release a buch of games.

Stig79: Remember when Good OLD Games actually released old games almost every week, instead of a few times a year? Good times.
Well they kind of are still releaseing lot's of old games. Dawn of war 1 and 2 are old now. So is endless space 1. Even Fallout 4 is pretty much 7 year old game.
Post edited October 17, 2023 by Syphon72
Stig79: Remember when Good OLD Games actually released old games almost every week, instead of a few times a year? Good times.
Remember the time when people stopped complaining about the perceived lack of old games? Yeah, me neither. =P
Everything everywhere to ever exist is GOG's fault.

OutlinedComic: Any idea why the cadence of AAA or AA releases have slowed down significantly on GoG.
I feel of late there are very few good releases.
Are indies not good? Or is it more a dopamine thing / "wow, GOG got a AAA game! GOG actually got noticed by a big studio!"? (Edit: This sounds rude but I meant it as a sincere question, sorry.)

AAA and AA releases have always been very slow to release on GOG. That said, I think we'll get some more before the end of the year, and then virtually none from Jan 2024 until Summer 2024 (if the past few years are an accurate pattern - "Springtime for Indies").
angry_man.jpg (103 Kb)
Post edited October 20, 2023 by tfishell
Maybe a little surprise regarding the Halloween promo on a good horror game with a little luck that has already happened in the past.
high rated
Kona 2: Brume will be released on GOG according to the developer who commented on the games steam discussion board.