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SCPM: INDUSTRIA 2 is coming to GOG:
It does indeed:

Keihltrein: I remember talking to the Thunder Helix dev and they said that it wasn't sure the game would pass GOG curation so I'm giving it a rest to poke them again in the future.
Syphon72: How would it not go pass? Some of the games on GOG are shovelware
Behind the scenes exchanges with members of the staff suggest that GoG, for example also had (has?) to turn down games in order to keep up with the sheer amount of submissions they allegedly receive on a regular basis.
Quite a few of those initially (even twice or thrice) rejected titles made it onto the store eventually, though.

Swedrami: On a related note - if anybody could poke the devs of Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess and Thunder Helix in regards to a potential GoG release as well - that'd be great.
Thanks in advance.
Keihltrein: I remember talking to the Thunder Helix dev and they said that it wasn't sure the game would pass GOG curation so I'm giving it a rest to poke them again in the future.
Thanks for already having asked then.
Here's hoping he reconsiders and at least gives it a try and submits Thunder Helix at one point and despite the worries. Like alluded to above, curation doesn't seem as strict anymore as it was a couple years ago and even when the first submission is turned down - trying a second, third or as many times as possible may still get the game in question added to GoG's catalogue eventually. As many votes on the corresponding wishlist entry as possible helps too.

Swedrami: On a related note - if anybody could poke the devs of Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess and Thunder Helix in regards to a potential GoG release as well - that'd be great.
Thanks in advance.
tfishell: Regarding Megacopter,

"Yeh, it's totally possible. We haven't had time to look into it but there's no reason we wouldn't eventually. Thanks!"

I made a post and shared the Community Wishlist entry.
Thanks, much appreciated.
Post edited June 21, 2024 by Swedrami
tfishell: Regarding Megacopter,

"Yeh, it's totally possible. We haven't had time to look into it but there's no reason we wouldn't eventually. Thanks!"

I made a post and shared the Community Wishlist entry.
Swedrami: Thanks, much appreciated.
Sure. btw, follow-up message from the dev: "I'll definitely consider it when things settle down with Steam release and translations."
high rated
Shields of Loyalty to be released on GOG

Post edited June 24, 2024 by angelblue
high rated
Deliver Us Home has a good chance of coming out on GOG, now that they are no longer with Frontier Foundry. See attachment.

Deliver Us Home KickStarter Page

Frontier Foundry still holds the publishing rights for Deliver Us Mars though, unfortunately.
high rated
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remastered confirmed for launch on the 14th of August.
high rated
I have no idea if this is even a kind of confirmation but the recently given away game for Prime users to Epic Games Store called "Solstice" have Galaxy files in its installation folder.
Was randomly going through the files as I tend to and found it.

The path to the galaxy files is this:

"Soulstice/Engine/Plugins/Online/OnlineSubsystemGOG/Source/ThirdParty/GalaxySDK/Libraries/Galaxy6 4.dll"

Not to be confused with the already on GOG Visual Novel game called "Solstice".

This is Solstice from Reply Game Studio and Plug In Digital as publisher.

Their site and game description:

Gameplay overview from IGN:

Role-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat em' up, Adventure, Single Player

"The balance of the Holy Kingdom of Keidas is compromised when powerful, feral creatures known as "Wraiths" invade from the other side of the Veil, threatening to consume the living. Wraiths corrupt their victims and can even possess their bodies, turning into unstoppable monsters that prey upon the common folk. The "Chimeras", hybrid warriors born of the union of two souls, are the only ones who can protect humankind.

Briar and Lute are two sisters who have been reborn as a Chimera. The transformation has granted Briar superhuman strength and resilience, while Lute, sacrificed to bind her soul to her sister’s, has become a shade with mystical powers. Voiced by Stefanie Joosten (Metal Gear Solid 5), Briar and Lute are sent on a mission to reclaim a city in ruins that has been ravaged by the Wraiths, only to discover that the Order they belong to has a far more complex plan in mind.

Explore a dark world brimming with hidden mysteries, master a diverse combat system, and inhabit the dual forces of two sisters in a coming-of-age dark fantasy story with fast-paced action, vicious enemies, and spectacular boss fights."
Post edited 4 days ago by .Keys
.Keys: text
Is being a year since this, I'm not sure is going to happen, hope it does, but I would not hold my breath.
Post edited 4 days ago by Keihltrein
.Keys: text
Keihltrein: Is being a year since this, I'm not sure is going to happen, hope it does, but I would not hold my breath.
Those files were always present in Epic and Steam releases of this game?

I checked if Solstice is DRM-Free on Epic and it isn't.
I couldn't start the game using Heroic, unfortunately.
Swedrami: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remastered confirmed for launch on the 14th of August.
Great to see confirmation in the trailer, although I was expecting it here. Thanks.
Swedrami: Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remastered confirmed for launch on the 14th of August.
And a day one release as well. This is really getting me hyped.

Wild how I'll buy my first two 2024 games in August.
high rated
SCPM: And thanks to WinterSnowfall, GOG API entries were found for Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Purgatory, The Glitch Fairy and Mango.
I've picked up another straggler this week, in the form of Kalyzmyr.
SCPM: And thanks to WinterSnowfall, GOG API entries were found for Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Purgatory, The Glitch Fairy and Mango.
WinterSnowfall: I've picked up another straggler this week, in the form of Kalyzmyr.
Is it just me or are the titles you manage to datamine becoming more and more uncertain, or at least the time from discovery to release is getting longer and longer?

In some cases it just seems that devs change their minds when everything is ready. Sometimes I have doubts that GOG can efficiently manage a store that has now surpassed 5,000 unique titles.
Alexim: Is it just me or are the titles you manage to datamine becoming more and more uncertain, or at least the time from discovery to release is getting longer and longer?
Maybe it is just you? :P I seem to find stuff that takes a year or two to release sometimes, but that doesn't mean much. The delays could be due to a number of things. What one can be sure of once an API entry is found is that the game is (or was) being considered for release at some point.
high rated
WinterSnowfall: What one can be sure of once an API entry is found is that the game is (or was) being considered for release at some point.
*cries in Civ V*
WinterSnowfall: What one can be sure of once an API entry is found is that the game is (or was) being considered for release at some point.
P-E-S: *cries in Civ V*
That's probably one of the longest.
I do not know if any others are still being waited.