I have EA Access (aka Origin Access on PC) for a month, so I’ve been trying out a lot of games I might not otherwise play (I didn’t even try the sports games, my interest in those is zero). Here are the ones I tried but didn’t like:
Anthem (solo only, PS4): Destiny, but with crappier combat.
Battlefield 4 (single player campaign only, PS4): This “game” is a linear series of scripted events and cutscenes interspersed with shooting gallery gameplay, I couldn’t take it very long before I quit.
Battlefield Hardline (single player campaign only, PS4): Extremely scripted and linear with lots of cutscenes, plus I couldn’t get into the whole arresting/evidence thing, it just wasn’t interesting for me. I quit before getting very far into the game.
Mass Effect Andromeda (PS4): Normally I don’t like games with a lot of story and dialogue, but I thought I’d give this game a chance. However, I ran into a couple of issues even before I got sick of the plot/dialogue: (1) the horrible combat (it’s just plain bad); and (2) the save system: this has a checkpoint-only save system, I completed an optional objective and then died, the game reloaded me
without having the optional objective completed… screw that!
Need for Speed: Payback (PS4): Yo Dawg, I herd you like checkpoint races…
Star Wars Battlefront II (single player campaign only, PS4): The only enjoyable thing about this campaign was the ability to kill those traitorous rebel scum, unfortunately the gameplay was too linear and even the starship combat was boring.