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Star Wars: Republic Commando.

I really enjoyed this game when I was younger despite finding it difficult, but after playing a couple hours the other day... bleh. I spent most of my time reviving my squadmates or ordering one of the other squadmates to do it, which usually ended with that squadmate being incapacitated as well. They have no sense of self-preservation, and it is impractical to micromanage their movements. Worst of all, the blaster rifle that you primarily use does little damage against enemies, especially the "elite" enemies (or whatever they are called), and the more powerful weapons have so little spare ammo that they are only briefly effective.

And maybe I was losing my mind, but it seemed like far too many sections featured enemies that respawned endlessly until I traveled to a certain point. I remember a few sections like this, but not as many as I encountered the other day. It was ridiculous, to be honest, not least because it makes the difficult task of keeping your squad alive and fighting even more difficult.

I suppose it is entirely possible I just suck at this game, but I spent two hours being disappointed and annoyed. I just didn't see the benefit in trying to get through the game, which is a shame, because I fondly remember the game's atmosphere, especially in the second campaign. That will have to remain a memory, however.
Ricky_Bobby: Full Throttle

That section where you have to fight a whole bunch of bikers in order to get their gear. I tried for over two hours but I just can't get the timing right at all; sometimes when I click the 'fight' button he actually does what I instruct him to do, other times he does absolutely nothing, So whenever I click the 'fight' button it feels like there's only a 50% chance that anything will happen.
If you feel like going back to it, pick up some of the fertilizer and throw it in the face of the woman with the chainsaw, she'll go down instantly and the weapon is pretty much a 1 hit ko on every biker.
Ricky_Bobby: Full Throttle

That section where you have to fight a whole bunch of bikers in order to get their gear. I tried for over two hours but I just can't get the timing right at all; sometimes when I click the 'fight' button he actually does what I instruct him to do, other times he does absolutely nothing, So whenever I click the 'fight' button it feels like there's only a 50% chance that anything will happen.
magejake50: If you feel like going back to it, pick up some of the fertilizer and throw it in the face of the woman with the chainsaw, she'll go down instantly and the weapon is pretty much a 1 hit ko on every biker.
Thanks I will try that. After posting this I did one 'last' attempt and somehow managed to beat one of them, getting the engine boost thingy. I did not think of using the fertilizer on her though, so I'll try that right away.

Post-edit: I went back and tried it again, and actually succeeded. Once I got her chainsaw, beating aganst the other riders became quite easy. So thanks again for the advice. I did not think of using the fertilizer on her, frustration can make one blind to things like that.
Post edited May 07, 2017 by Ricky_Bobby
Daedalus1138: Star Wars: Republic Commando.
I suppose it is entirely possible I just suck at this game,
Maybe you just weren't in the mood to get in the flow... I played this game years ago and it took me a couple of tries to find it. But after that I found it to be too easy in most places actually.
Just let it rest on the shelf some time and come back to it later.
World in Conflict

I feel bad about this game, it really is a great one, and it's not overly difficult, I'm just getting too old to play an RTS that doesn't have a Pause & Play, especially when your new objective comes up and it shows you five points on the map you need to take and hold all at the same time! :P

And one more thing that is a slam on the game itself: Take & Hold. THAT IS THE GAME in a nutshell. Take & Hold.

Take that bridge! Hold that bridge! Good, now take that warehouse! Now hold it! That crossroads, takes! Good, now hold it! We need those lookout points on the top of the hill, get up there and take them! Good, now hold them!

Funny because I used to bitch about games like StarCraft and C&C throwing recon and sabotage missions into the middle of perfectly good RTS games, but now I realize what they are there for: to break up the monotony.

At the end of the day it all comes down to the fact that I am simply not having fun playing it. No laughing, no "that was cool" just a lot of "goddammit!" "shit!" and "where the fuck are those shells coming from!? Where is my support!? WHAT TANKS!? AHHHHHH!!!!!!"
Post edited May 13, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: Take that bridge! Hold that bridge! Good, now take that warehouse! Now hold it! That crossroads, takes! Good, now hold it! We need those lookout points on the top of the hill, get up there and take them! Good, now hold them!
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (PS4)

I borrowed this game from my local library.

This is a fun arcade dogfight game set mostly in WWII. But that’s all that it is. All the missions eventually started to feel the same, there is no variety besides shooting airplanes and bombing ground targets.

The graphics are also rather dated (and I understand it was even a budget title when it was first released), so it’s pretty basic in that category as well.

It’s fun to play for maybe a mission or two at a time, but I eventually just got bored of it and didn’t finish the main campaign.
Post edited June 03, 2017 by 01kipper
Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth. Absolutely loved playing this game and after reaching the final stage there is part where immediately after the checkpoint you have to watch an unskippable 2-3 minute cutscent followed by what is best described as a boss fight although you just have to stab the guy a few times but it's almost random luck as to whether he kills you when you are trying. Worse still, once you do get past him there is no checkpoint. I got past him on 3 occasions only to be killed 5-10 minutes later without finding another save point. I have since gave up as it was just pissing me off so much. Shame as it's a great game even for all it's many flaws.

Alien Rage - Stupidly difficult boss fights with limited ammo. If I have to try more than 20 times then it's just not fun anymore. Abandoned.
Daedalus1138: Star Wars: Republic Commando.
I suppose it is entirely possible I just suck at this game,
toxicTom: Maybe you just weren't in the mood to get in the flow... I played this game years ago and it took me a couple of tries to find it. But after that I found it to be too easy in most places actually.
Just let it rest on the shelf some time and come back to it later.
I tried to start playing this for the first time just this week. I used a mod to be able to play in widescreen which was great but I'm getting frame drops every 5 seconds or so. I'm running an i7 6700K and a Fury X so it's not a lack of power. Is there a known issue with this game? Any suggestions to fix?
Post edited June 03, 2017 by heartburnron
I dropped Brutal Legend since while playing my graphic card went kaput. I bought a better one. But I am scared of it since it is the second time this happens to me playing the game. I know its stupid, but som years ago I started playing it and had to stop it when my monitor stopped working.

I guess my copy of the game is cursed.
heartburnron: I tried to start playing this for the first time just this week. I used a mod to be able to play in widescreen which was great but I'm getting frame drops every 5 seconds or so. I'm running an i7 6700K and a Fury X so it's not a lack of power. Is there a known issue with this game? Any suggestions to fix?
No sorry, my rig is a lot older... maybe timing problems.
Forge of Gods

Actually this is a bit late, I quite this F2P grindfest at the end of April. The main reason being that the story stages inflate the enemy stats artificially the lower your level is. So you don't level up to make your army stronger, you level up to make the enemy weaker. How does that make any sense?? With all the grinding and farming, the game became more work than play. And was also taking up way too much time (but not money, because no way am I paying real $s for titles like this.)

After a few dozen hours I'd rather play Master of Orion 2, Galactic Civilizations 2 or Aurora 4X.
Zenith, utter wank, from the save system to the bloody wretched music...that i couldn't turn off.
The plot is hideous uninspired dribble, voice acting is painful......nothing about this game has merit.
I can think of nothing positive...
DampSquib: Zenith, utter wank, from the save system to the bloody wretched music...that i couldn't turn off.
The plot is hideous uninspired dribble, voice acting is painful......nothing about this game has merit.
I can think of nothing positive...
More of a nadir, then?
Alien: Isolation

Absolutely beautiful in its presentation, but the actual act of playing the game is terrible. No idea why its rated so highly.