Posted May 07, 2017
Star Wars: Republic Commando.
I really enjoyed this game when I was younger despite finding it difficult, but after playing a couple hours the other day... bleh. I spent most of my time reviving my squadmates or ordering one of the other squadmates to do it, which usually ended with that squadmate being incapacitated as well. They have no sense of self-preservation, and it is impractical to micromanage their movements. Worst of all, the blaster rifle that you primarily use does little damage against enemies, especially the "elite" enemies (or whatever they are called), and the more powerful weapons have so little spare ammo that they are only briefly effective.
And maybe I was losing my mind, but it seemed like far too many sections featured enemies that respawned endlessly until I traveled to a certain point. I remember a few sections like this, but not as many as I encountered the other day. It was ridiculous, to be honest, not least because it makes the difficult task of keeping your squad alive and fighting even more difficult.
I suppose it is entirely possible I just suck at this game, but I spent two hours being disappointed and annoyed. I just didn't see the benefit in trying to get through the game, which is a shame, because I fondly remember the game's atmosphere, especially in the second campaign. That will have to remain a memory, however.
I really enjoyed this game when I was younger despite finding it difficult, but after playing a couple hours the other day... bleh. I spent most of my time reviving my squadmates or ordering one of the other squadmates to do it, which usually ended with that squadmate being incapacitated as well. They have no sense of self-preservation, and it is impractical to micromanage their movements. Worst of all, the blaster rifle that you primarily use does little damage against enemies, especially the "elite" enemies (or whatever they are called), and the more powerful weapons have so little spare ammo that they are only briefly effective.
And maybe I was losing my mind, but it seemed like far too many sections featured enemies that respawned endlessly until I traveled to a certain point. I remember a few sections like this, but not as many as I encountered the other day. It was ridiculous, to be honest, not least because it makes the difficult task of keeping your squad alive and fighting even more difficult.
I suppose it is entirely possible I just suck at this game, but I spent two hours being disappointed and annoyed. I just didn't see the benefit in trying to get through the game, which is a shame, because I fondly remember the game's atmosphere, especially in the second campaign. That will have to remain a memory, however.