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Fallout 3 on GOG.

It doesn't even fucking run.

Sabin_Stargem: The bosses drop items, but this is based on a condition: Defeat the boss without being hit. I really hate that kind of masochistic challenge
I guess I'll have to play this again then.
Post edited June 05, 2017 by Primo_Victoria
Towerfall Ascension: Dark World (Linux)

The game was challenging enough but I had to fold when it comes to the final boss of the expansion.
I managed to get right to the end of this fight and got killed shortly before the end of the game twice after having a hard time getting to this point at all even with continues. I never needed buffs or continues throughout the whole game and I can't even beat him with them. I have no interest in trying it another 10 times so I quit. It's just not fun anymore.
It's probably easier in co-op multi-player mode but since I'm alone, forget it.

The game is made for couch multi-player and doesn't even support direct-input, just this shitty M$ standard so I had to use third party tools to be able to play with a gamepad. Also no online multi-player.
Screw those devs.
Post edited June 05, 2017 by Klumpen0815
PescadorGama: I dropped Brutal Legend since while playing my graphic card went kaput. I bought a better one. But I am scared of it since it is the second time this happens to me playing the game. I know its stupid, but som years ago I started playing it and had to stop it when my monitor stopped working.

I guess my copy of the game is cursed.
A friend of mine does not touch Divinity Original Sin again after his card broke during it. Shame we had a good run though.

Oh and on topic (yep, all in 2017):

Alpha Muse - Jesse Cox sold that to me, a thing flying around to orbs which emit techno music. Gave it a try now, does not work offline.

Still Life 2 - moon logic

The Solus Project - walk around boring landscapes while you're freezing. Can do that IRL too

Shattered Haven - thought i'd be OK with the resolution. the resolution was too tiny after all

Party Hard - it's fun but hard and then there was a bug where the state did not advance. sorry game but if you are ass hard you better be bug free

Braid - if you get it it suddenly isn't fun but instead your head hurts.

Grim Fandango Remastered - terrible interface, locations, puzzles. i see now why this game has killed the adventure genre.

Oxenfree - a game where you have to select the answers to dialog on a wheel mass effect style while it is still going and as soon the dialog is spoken the wheel vanishes. basically it should be "natural", but it just tells me the devs like to interrupt one another. where i'm come that's just rude.

The Original Strife Veteran Edition - too confusing level architecture in the later parts of the game. i can remember deus ex being clearer on this. oh and the reason i quit was also confusing sewer level with a time-limit (spend 1 minute, health go down x).

Subterrain - too much housekeeping (like you always have to come back to play "human conveyor belt"). for christs sake you have to manage your shit in this game. seriously, you are on an alien infested station and rather than piss on the ground, he'd hold it in (affecting the other stats) until he finds a toilet.

Starcrawlers - Asia JRPG grinder without the option of "auto-resolve". before you ask, it's the computer fights for you only using basic attack, whole process taking exactly 0 seconds. newer games also have the option to see the fight in hi-speed and/or dialing in prefs/skills.

The Long Journey Home - beware. this game is like going to a dominatrix with a real whip. i put the game in the folder "crap" for now, but will come back when a patch in which fewer raping occurs is out. i get that it should be random but jeez too much ship part seppuku and big ship ass reaming is going on. it's hard enough to not destroy your lander/ship/crew by choosing where to fly/land/etc. already.
the tuning would be fine for short runs like ftl, but 10 HOURS? nobody has so much luck.

I've enjoyed Superhot, Epistory, Deadly Towers Of Monsters, Night In The Woods, Event[0], Human Fall Flat, Brothers, SOMA, Walking Dead Michonne, Paradigm, Signal From Tolva, Star Wars KOTOR, Man'O'War Corsair, Skylar & Plux this year so far, So i'm not a complete wanker ;) NITW GOTY 2017 so far.
Post edited June 05, 2017 by AlienMind
Bouchart: Stellaris

After a few dozen hours I'd rather play Master of Orion 2, Galactic Civilizations 2 or Aurora 4X.
Why is that, eh? Care to explain it a bit more?
Dammit, I think I quit Fallout 3 already.

My best friend kept hyping this game like it was one of the best games ever, but then again she played it when it came out and since then, every few years. I'm looking at it with fresh eyes, having just completed Horizon Zero Dawn, and it just feels like a clunky Gothic clone (I know this is as factually incorrect as possible). I'm tired of this people-will-die-so-reload-often kind of gameplay design especially. Will retry later this year, I hope.
Bouchart: Stellaris

After a few dozen hours I'd rather play Master of Orion 2, Galactic Civilizations 2 or Aurora 4X.
vicklemos: Why is that, eh? Care to explain it a bit more?
Stellaris starts out strong but the middle game is extremely dull, since in the middle game the only thing to do is declare war, which is slow and cumbersome. Combat is overly simplistic. Also the game lags significantly later on even in medium sized maps. The game looks like it has depth but there are a bunch of mechanics that aren't well developed or important.
DampSquib: Zenith, utter wank, from the save system to the bloody wretched music...that i couldn't turn off.
The plot is hideous uninspired dribble, voice acting is painful......nothing about this game has merit.
I can think of nothing positive...
bler144: More of a nadir, then?
Unfortunately yes, i was looking for a good aRPG, this was a waste of money, however small the outlay.
vicklemos: Why is that, eh? Care to explain it a bit more?
Bouchart: Stellaris starts out strong but the middle game is extremely dull, since in the middle game the only thing to do is declare war, which is slow and cumbersome. Combat is overly simplistic. Also the game lags significantly later on even in medium sized maps.
So Distant Worlds then, eh? ;)
Heard of it? Fan?

Bouchart: The game looks like it has depth but there are a bunch of mechanics that aren't well developed or important.
Fatal flow in the 4x case...
<span class="bold">Enclave</span>

This game is a linear action hack’n’slash in a fantasy setting.

I normally don’t enjoy these types of linear games, but I was actually enjoying myself for a while (on Easy difficulty) because of the fast-paced action and cheesy plot/characters. The game also isn’t totally linear as there are also a number of small “secret” areas to discover, but they’re mostly pretty easy/obvious. The graphics are also quite good for its age.

However, after a short while the enemies seemed to get tougher and there was some skill required in the combat… which is when I clocked out :). You can choose to play a ranged character in this game, but the levels are so tight and your shots so slow that you end up spending most of your time backpedalling while shooting or resorting to melee anyway.
01kipper: However, after a short while the enemies seemed to get tougher and there was some skill required in the combat… which is when I clocked out :). You can choose to play a ranged character in this game, but the levels are so tight and your shots so slow that you end up spending most of your time backpedalling while shooting or resorting to melee anyway.
I almost exclusively played ranged characters once they were available, melee is so chaotic ... I'd say I'm a mediocre player at best and I finished it on easy, so you should be able to do it, too, if you really want to, that is. But I also found that switching characters is often the key if you think a level is too hard. Some do much better than others in certain levels.
01kipper: However, after a short while the enemies seemed to get tougher and there was some skill required in the combat… which is when I clocked out :). You can choose to play a ranged character in this game, but the levels are so tight and your shots so slow that you end up spending most of your time backpedalling while shooting or resorting to melee anyway.
Leroux: I almost exclusively played ranged characters once they were available, melee is so chaotic ... I'd say I'm a mediocre player at best and I finished it on easy, so you should be able to do it, too, if you really want to, that is. But I also found that switching characters is often the key if you think a level is too hard. Some do much better than others in certain levels.
For me personally I'm not normally a fan of this genre, I just want to plough through the levels with no effort :), I don't have the patience (in this genre of game) to redo levels with different characters.
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity (PS4) (I borrowed this game from my local library)

This is an arcady racing game, with additional demolition derby events, and ragdoll events where you can launch your driver at different types of targets.

I’ve only played one game in this series previously, the original FlatOut (hereafter referred to as “FO”), and that one I played for the first time a couple of years ago. I enjoyed FO, so I thought I’d give this game (hereafter referred to as “FO4”) a try.

Overall I found FO4 a lot less satisfying than FO. My two main complaints are:
1) The track environment in FO4 seems to have only two types of obstacles: ones which stop your car completely, and ones which you can drive through with hardly any effect on your car. In FO many of the environmental obstacles would slow/obstruct/flip you if you hit them, so it was usually better off to avoid them but they could be used strategically as well against your opponents, and you had to be aware of them in subsequent laps if they were knocked onto the track . This added a lot of depth to the gameplay, but none of that in FO4 :(.
2) “Assault” mode where you and your opponents have weapons to attack each other during the race. I dislike this game mode a lot, and it’s forced into Career mode :(. There is also a “Carnage” mode where you only gain points by causing destruction during the race, not for actually winning the race. I didn’t enjoy this game mode at all either. I didn’t progress enough to actually get to this game mode in Career, but I would be surprised if it didn’t show up eventually.

On the positive side, there is no rubber-banding in the races, which was very nice to see.

I played the game for a little over 1.5hrs, I tried both Career mode and FlatOut mode (which is a collection of miscellaneous challenges with preset vehicles, unlike career mode where you purchase and upgrade your vehicles) but neither of them captured the fun of FO.
Circuits - I don't find the game interesting one bit.

Arclight Cascade - I just don't get the gameplay.
I've put Cookie Clicker on hold. I have only 3 achievements left, and the developer has started working on the game again (so I would prefer to wait until the new version rather than have the game change under me), so I have turned off the game to save CPU resources, especially since I've started playing Oblivion.
<span class="bold">Little Nightmares</span> (PS4) (I borrowed this game from my local library)

I played the short browser demo of this game a few months ago (sadly the demo is no longer available it seems), and I enjoyed it enough to give the full game a try.

However, what seemed to work as a short demo does not translate well into a full game. The atmosphere of the game is really great, but the gameplay is a huge letdown.

The gameplay is extremely linear, there are almost no alternate routes or additional areas to explore other than the linear path set out by the game designers… it’s more of an “experience” than a game (the route/solution is most often blindingly obvious).

On top of that, there are a number of platforming segments where you can fall to your death if not performed properly… I suck hard at platforming, so these took me an inordinate amount of time to pass, especially since the autosave system often restarted me a room or two prior to the platforming room. But I barely persevered because the atmosphere of the game is truly awesome, and I was attempting to enjoy it.

And then there was a boss battle*… I suck at boss battles too (and do not enjoy them at all), so that was when I quit the game. *“boss battle” = there is no combat/fighting in this game, what I mean by “boss battle” is an enemy with predicable movement patterns which you need to observe & avoid while exploiting a transient but repeating weakness.

Don’t start to think the game is difficult though, because it’s actually very easy unless you’re bad at platforming and boss battles. If you enjoy linear games which provide a great experience I’d say go for it, you will probably enjoy this game. For the sake of the experience I could have put up with linearity, platforming, or boss battles, but not all together.
Post edited June 13, 2017 by 01kipper