PescadorGama: I dropped Brutal Legend since while playing my graphic card went kaput. I bought a better one. But I am scared of it since it is the second time this happens to me playing the game. I know its stupid, but som years ago I started playing it and had to stop it when my monitor stopped working.
I guess my copy of the game is cursed.
A friend of mine does not touch Divinity Original Sin again after his card broke during it. Shame we had a good run though.
Oh and on topic (yep, all in 2017):
Alpha Muse - Jesse Cox sold that to me, a thing flying around to orbs which emit techno music. Gave it a try now, does not work offline.
Still Life 2 - moon logic
The Solus Project - walk around boring landscapes while you're freezing. Can do that IRL too
Shattered Haven - thought i'd be OK with the resolution. the resolution was too tiny after all
Party Hard - it's fun but hard and then there was a bug where the state did not advance. sorry game but if you are ass hard you better be bug free
Braid - if you get it it suddenly isn't fun but instead your head hurts.
Grim Fandango Remastered - terrible interface, locations, puzzles. i see now why this game has killed the adventure genre.
Oxenfree - a game where you have to select the answers to dialog on a wheel mass effect style while it is still going and as soon the dialog is spoken the wheel vanishes. basically it should be "natural", but it just tells me the devs like to interrupt one another. where i'm come that's just rude.
The Original Strife Veteran Edition - too confusing level architecture in the later parts of the game. i can remember deus ex being clearer on this. oh and the reason i quit was also confusing sewer level with a time-limit (spend 1 minute, health go down x).
Subterrain - too much housekeeping (like you always have to come back to play "human conveyor belt"). for christs sake you have to manage your shit in this game. seriously, you are on an alien infested station and rather than piss on the ground, he'd hold it in (affecting the other stats) until he finds a toilet.
Starcrawlers - Asia JRPG grinder without the option of "auto-resolve". before you ask, it's the computer fights for you only using basic attack, whole process taking exactly 0 seconds. newer games also have the option to see the fight in hi-speed and/or dialing in prefs/skills.
The Long Journey Home - beware. this game is like going to a dominatrix with a real whip. i put the game in the folder "crap" for now, but will come back when a patch in which fewer raping occurs is out. i get that it should be random but jeez too much ship part seppuku and big ship ass reaming is going on. it's hard enough to not destroy your lander/ship/crew by choosing where to fly/land/etc. already.
the tuning would be fine for short runs like ftl, but 10 HOURS? nobody has so much luck.
I've enjoyed Superhot, Epistory, Deadly Towers Of Monsters, Night In The Woods, Event[0], Human Fall Flat, Brothers, SOMA, Walking Dead Michonne, Paradigm, Signal From Tolva, Star Wars KOTOR, Man'O'War Corsair, Skylar & Plux this year so far, So i'm not a complete wanker ;) NITW GOTY 2017 so far.