mintee: Maybe I'm getting old or maybe I'm just getting wiser but wasting time with a game that doesnt appeal to me no longer floats my boat so my list of quit games gets longer every year. Some have pc control issues, some have 3d issues that induce nausea for me, some are just busy work, *shrugs*
journey of a roach, miasmata: nausea inducing
the cat lady: wtf, dont need that in my life
fahrenheit indigo prophecy: crappy pc controls
labyrinth of time: just crappy
primodia: game breaking bug
baldurs gate: just plain tiring
runaway series, boring
gabriel knight 3: idiotic 3d controls
assasins creed: annoying
legend of grimlock 2: boring and not as much fun as i would have thought
myst, dont work on 64bit win7
If you don't mind me asking, what was the game breaking bug you had in Primordia?