I have always been big on the whole Post Apocalyptic setting in movies, books and games. When I was in High School I hit a phase where that was the only genre I even cared about. The new expanded version of The Stand had just come out in paperback, I was wearing out my VHS tapes of Road Warrior, Cyborg and Steel Dawn and there were two PC games I played exclusively depending on my mood. The first was for when I wanted to really sit and immerse myself in the game world, that was Wasteland and if anyone here has somehow not heard of it let me know and I can smack them around a bit.
The other game was for when I just wanted to run around and kill stuff, it was called Bad Blood. The HUD was an old fashioned TV sitting on the ground with a bottle of water next to it. The TV screen was the play area where you controlled your character and the buttons on the TV were used for gameplay functions such as Talk, Use and Inventory. The water bottle was your health. The game world was a large expanse of wasteland with a few human cities in the corners, several mutant villages spread out in-between, some mountain regions with caves and a toxic green river feeding into a green lake. Wandering around the game world there was no loading times or screen changes, rather the entire game was just one big free roam area. Finding a village meant wandering around the perimeter fence looking for an entrance, there was none of the classic "over world map" transition period like in so many JRPGs. Although Bad Blood wasn't an RPG, more like an action adventure game. I loved Bad Blood but I have found very few people who even remember it, much less played it for hours at a time.
More recently I found myself really liking the game Omerta. I felt the city management had some great ideas and I really liked the way it handles turn based combat. The only time I ever hear or read about this game it's to talk about how awful it is. Granted there are some issues. The biggest problem I had was that the levels seemed to end pretty abruptly. Just when it felt like I had a handle on my properties and finances and that things were starting to pan out, the level goal was reached and I had to start over on a new map. And none of the money or businesses from the last level ever carried over. There was a fun game in there but the developers never let anyone play it. I honestly think that with some minor tweaking (like adding an actual sandbox mode) this game would have been much better received.