paladin181: To play BF2, you have to login to EAs servers (even to play single player). Those servers were shut down.
It shouldn't be confused with Battlefield Bad company 2, or anything.
That's interesting.
Pheace: Scores and scores of android games. Wouldn't be surprised if it happened every day :p
That, i know. But alot of people see that as different. I'd like to focus on desktop games, for that reason.
CARRiON-XCII: Ross Scott of Accursed Farms talks about this topic quite frequently. He's covered a number of games that can no longer be played and warns viewers of the dangers this mindset the games industry has of killing games.
Thank you, this is useful information. Googling.
DubConqueror: To play BF2, you have to login to EAs servers (even to play single player). Those servers were shut down.
It shouldn't be confused with Battlefield Bad company 2, or anything.
You can create an offline account for single-player, that doesn't need any login. If you get patch 1.5, the disk-check DRM is removed from the game. Compatibility is another issue however. When I wanted to de-install Battlefield 2 from my previous Windows 10 system, the de-install failed. Thenceforth I continued playing Battlefield 2 on my (offline) Windows XP retro gaming machine.
Isn't this also the case for console editions?
Fairfox: its liek software /slash/// proggies taht use online activation systems (?) rite
lieeek we has photoshop/adobe master collection (?) an' you has 2 activate it online in order 4 it 2 work
so if they uuuh
stahp you just lose all access to near $$$$2000 buyages?
+ you hases 2 remembah naht to jkust uninstall 1st else they ping you in face
welp you lose access i feel
do ne gamis use taht pew-y method
lmao ps i has filtah plugin 4 photoshop, an' liek they DO SAME THANG
Basically, but i want to focus on things that have actually disappeared, not things that we know are going to. I'm doing this for the purpose of having examples that point to why one shouldn't invest in the software that we know is going to go away.
nightcraw1er.488: You are empty. Never found a nocd for it, so it sits there on the shelf all lonely.
GTA4, but that's more hope it is lost to time.
Hasn't there also been console releases with no DRM?
LiefLayer: metal gear rising mac version.
What's the story there?