Blackdrazon: Hm, what does your friend like about Grand Inquisitor and didn't like about Myst?
hyperagathon: Perhaps it's something to do with the fact he got the DS version, which reviewed extremely poorly (
To the OP: if your friend doesn't have the best-regarded DS adventure games, one of those would be a good choice.
Otherwise, perhaps the recent Obduction?
It was the DS version indeed !
Obduction is really too expensive for me, I'm looking for something cheaper. :)
(And he has an old PC, without any graphic card.)
charleslp: I didn't get it, I really thought I'd be perfect, though.
Ok, any adventure game. What do you think about Monkey Island ? (It has been redesigned, he's love that) ?
Sam and Max ? Or Baphomet ?
Thanks. :)
Blackdrazon: I can definitely recommend Monkey Island and Sam and Max! They've both very good comedy games, although I can't speak for their French versions. If you're looking for a French version, best check French reviews just to be sure. Sam & Max Hit the Road and Monkey Island 1 and 2 are the best places to start, the newer games by Telltale should wait until you've gotten into the series. While GOG doesn't sell Monkey Island 3 yet, it's also very good.
I haven't played Baphomet (I think you're referring to what I'd called "Broken Sword" in English? If so, yes, I haven't played it), but a lot of people love the first one and I'm hoping to play it sometime soon. Careful, though! #4 has a bad reputation.
Thanks !
VeTrack: Do you know if your friend favors a specific theme or setting? There are so many different adventure games with varied appeals and tastes. Also, are you looking for just one game or the whole series?
Can't say. :/
I'd like to buy just one game.
magejake50: Yeah I brought Myst on the DS last year and it was probably the worst game I'd ever brought, mainly due to god awful controls and the fact you can't read the writing unless you had a DS XL.
If you want something similar to a point and click on the DS I recommend: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 which is also quite cheap.
I don't want something on DS because he wants to play on its TV so that his kid can watch him play. :)