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This fall sale is overwhelming in volume of games on sale and it's only day 1. Does anyone know of any games like in the video on GOG? I remember playing this flash game so many years back and it's a classic I loved that stood out in a sea of flash games.

To sum up what features the game would have:
turn based combat like in the game in video
good soundtrack
good narration

last 3 features are probably easy to find but turn based gets a lot of hate in the gaming community these days.
silent49: last 3 features are probably easy to find but turn based gets a lot of hate in the gaming community these days.
Actually, it maybe kind of the opposite. The first three are easy to find here on GOG, but that last one might be harder. There are plenty of turn based games, but they mostly fall into the "tactical turn based" category and are played in a top down or isometric view rather than the JRPG style in this video. Darkest Dungeon might fit all 4 criteria, but I haven't played it myself.
Actually the hardest part is 2D; turn-based jRPGs were among the earliest games to migrate towards 3D, even if they only kinda sorta did it halfway, like (the absolutely incredible) Trails in the Sky, which has 3D terrain with 2D sprites, or (the overrated but still pretty damn good) Final Fantasy VII, which had mostly 2D terrain with 3D characters on top.

Here on GoG there's a few titles you might want to keep an eye for, but none I know of that are part of the current sale. Yet. Still, do check out Celestian Tales, Pier Solar, and... well, Grandia 2; played it ages ago on my Dreamcast and even if it's fully 3D, it plays the jRPG tropes so straight an arrow can only look in envy. Or, you know, Trails in the Sky; I've got a love affair so bad with that game not even having to format my entire disk and losing over 40 hours' worth of progress has diminished it.
Draek: Actually the hardest part is 2D; turn-based jRPGs were among the earliest games to migrate towards 3D, even if they only kinda sorta did it halfway, like (the absolutely incredible) Trails in the Sky, which has 3D terrain with 2D sprites, or (the overrated but still pretty damn good) Final Fantasy VII, which had mostly 2D terrain with 3D characters on top.

Here on GoG there's a few titles you might want to keep an eye for, but none I know of that are part of the current sale. Yet. Still, do check out Celestian Tales, Pier Solar, and... well, Grandia 2; played it ages ago on my Dreamcast and even if it's fully 3D, it plays the jRPG tropes so straight an arrow can only look in envy. Or, you know, Trails in the Sky; I've got a love affair so bad with that game not even having to format my entire disk and losing over 40 hours' worth of progress has diminished it.
another dreamcast game. I should rename my GOG library folder "dreamcast" for my obsession with dreamcast ports
Not on GOG, but South Park:The Stick of Truth plays something like that.
I highly recommend Septerra Core, even though it's not 2D but isometric pseudo 3D.

You could also give Darkest Dungeon a try, I guess, but that one is more of a roguelike dungeon crawler, not so much an RPG.
Draek: (the overrated but still pretty damn good) Final Fantasy VII
I don't consider that particular game to be good or even decent in the first place. Final Fantasy 5 is *far* better (and is not 3d).
Maybe Albion?
Not sure if it matches your description though.
dtgreene: I don't consider that particular game to be good or even decent in the first place. Final Fantasy 5 is *far* better (and is not 3d).
I do, and I've played every FF from I to XII, including even Mystic Quest. Also, V is not only not available on GoG, it's not even for PC (unlike VII and VIII).
Draek: Also, V is [...] not even for PC
Isn't it, though?
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander has JRPG style combat, but the game itself is very definitely not a JRPG, it's more reminiscent of something like X-Com.. so you may or may not like it. But it might be worth checking out / watching some videos to see what you think.
Costume Quest ;)
(probably much simpler and easier and less serious than what you're looking for, and not really 2D, but it plays like a 2D game, due to the fixed camera)
Post edited November 04, 2016 by Leroux
huppumies: Isn't it, though?
I stopped keeping track of Steam releases long ago; probably when they passed over the "a hundred per day" threshold :D

Thanks for the correction, and if OP is willing to use Steam, I'd recommend the whole FF series then; they're pretty much the direct inspiration for the Sonny series, so they're a pretty sure bet.