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Dragon Age Origins
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Icewind dale 2
Witcher 3
Divinity OS 2
Divinity OS 1 either
Bard's Tale 4
Skyrim unmodded
Kingdoms Of Amalur, but fixed
Tower of Time
Death Gambit

Why I'm posting this? Just talking out loud, and setting my gaming priorities straight
Looks like a pretty sick list of games.
Almost all long fantasy RPGs!
I'd vary a bit the genre, personally. Playing similar games in a row tends to become boring for me.
pkk234: Looks like a pretty sick list of games.
I knoooooow
BeatriceElysia: Skyrim unmodded
But why??
BeatriceElysia: Skyrim unmodded
toxicTom: But why??
I also hate mods. I also love NWN1, guess that.
BeatriceElysia: I also hate mods.
It may sound weird but, as a huge Bethesda fan, I kind of "hate" them too. I like to consider games as creative expression of their designers/writers/programmers (and I kind of discard the games that do not fit into that description). Mods are just amateurish content in my eyes, because they are not part of how the game was meant to be played. I respect people who enjoy them, though.
I have also never managed to finish Icewind Dale 2... despite numerous attempts playing through it.

Next time... Next time... :D
Enebias: Almost all long fantasy RPGs!
I'd vary a bit the genre, personally. Playing similar games in a row tends to become boring for me.
totally agree. I have favorite genres, but as Barry White taught us, too much of anything ain't good for you, baby.
BeatriceElysia: Tangledeep
This one you can finish relatively fast but it does require being efficient in roguelike games. The best hint I can think of is to always remember that all these new features that are slowly introduced are not cosmetic. You should always try to make the best use of them. Especially monster taming. No sentiments here. You should always aim to have the best possible pet, not the one you like most. And train it hard ;) And remember - leveling up while your health is high means you've just wasted a free full heal.
I've only started one of those. :P
My list for the next 6-12 months, all of these games are at various stages of completion:

Aliens: Colonial Marines (I have it fixed and modded, don't worry) - only 2/11 missions left
Quake 4 - about 2/3 of the way through
Brothers in Arms: D-Day - maybe half-way through
PixelJunk Shooter - done maybe 2/5ths of the game
Mafia II - more than half-way through
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - about half-way through
Postal - only 2-3 levels done, but its a short game
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - maybe about 2/3rds of the way through
Tomb Raider Gold - about 2/3rds of the way through (factoring in expansion pack levels)
Broken Sword 1 - about 2/3rds of the way through
Flight of the Amazon Queen - final section of the game pretty much
Space Hulk - a little less than half-way through (factoring in DLC missions)
Legend of Grimrock - over half-way through
Return to Zork - at about the 2/3rds mark
Star Wars: Dark Forces - about 1/3rd to 1/2 the way through
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - maybe 2/5ths through the game
Rune - a little over the half-way mark
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (both the remake and original) - on the final couple of levels in both editions
VVVVVV - right at the beggining pretty much
Leo's Fortune - maybe 1/3rd of the levels?
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - over the half-way mark
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption - a little under half the game
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds - Clone Campaigns - about 3/5ths through
Command & Conquer: Tiberium Sun - Firestorm - most of the GDI campaign done, none of the NOD campaign
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines - about 3/5ths through it
Lone Survivor - got outside to the city, but want to replay it after
Dead Space - maybe 1/3rd of the game
Outlast - not far into it
Warhammer 40k: Armageddon - Da Orks - a couple missions in
MDK - maybe half-way through
Loaded - about 3/5th through
Post edited November 15, 2018 by flamming_python
Out of all of those games, I only liked Icewind Dale 2... :¬/

EDIT: Refering to the first post.
Post edited November 15, 2018 by jonridan
flamming_python: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (both the remake and original) - on the final couple of levels in both editions
Which original? Not counting the remake, there are still, to my knowledge, at least 2 dissimilar versions.
jonridan: Out of all of those games, I only liked Icewind Dale 2... :¬/

EDIT: Refering to the first post.