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Ghorpm: And remember - leveling up while your health is high means you've just wasted a free full heal.
Why do developers keep implementing this mechanic? I find that it makes no sense, I don't really like the sort of gameplay it encourages, and in at least one game I have played (Final Fantasy Adventure), it actually breaks much of the challenge of resource management (for a pure mage in FFA, I could just burn everything with Fire and would level up before running out of MP, making Ethers pointless).
flamming_python: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (both the remake and original) - on the final couple of levels in both editions
dtgreene: Which original? Not counting the remake, there are still, to my knowledge, at least 2 dissimilar versions.
The Mega Drive one.
Yeah I know there's one for the Master System or Game Gear, come to think of it.
Enebias: Almost all long fantasy RPGs!
I'd vary a bit the genre, personally. Playing similar games in a row tends to become boring for me.
Gerin: totally agree. I have favorite genres, but as Barry White taught us, too much of anything ain't good for you, baby.
I like switching between long games (usually RPGs) and shorter ones (usually point-and-click), with some strategy in the middle to spice things up. I'm currently in one period of shorter adventure/puzzle games (currently playing Simon the Sorcerer, previous one was RiME, still to decide the next).

I find this helps to finish games. If one takes too long, I will take a mini-break with a short one.
witcher 3 and bards tale mock me daily
If we're posting out current games, I might as well chime in.

Currently going through Transistor. Fun combat, still not too deep into the story. I don't know what is though, this game as well as Bastion feel kinda shallow? It doesn't really feel like a game to me. Maybe it's the aesthetics. I enjoy it enough to play it, but I'm also looking forward to playing other games.

That being said, I know for a fact that i'll end up buying some games during this month's sale or the next, so I'm in no rush to find a new game within my current library.
pkk234: Looks like a pretty sick list of games.
Don't get me wrong - I'm playing currently five games, almost or bit above, not sure on count number of games I play, but very shallowy... this games I listed are ones I wish to complete in the future.
Post edited November 15, 2018 by BeatriceElysia
Gerin: totally agree. I have favorite genres, but as Barry White taught us, too much of anything ain't good for you, baby.
Caesar.: I like switching between long games (usually RPGs) and shorter ones (usually point-and-click), with some strategy in the middle to spice things up. I'm currently in one period of shorter adventure/puzzle games (currently playing Simon the Sorcerer, previous one was RiME, still to decide the next).

I find this helps to finish games. If one takes too long, I will take a mini-break with a short one.
WOW, I haven't played Simon the Sorcerer for years.... and I do mean YEARS! In fact I'm not sure if I ever actually finished it when I played it years ago.

Thanks for the nostalgia, and now I'm off to buy a copy. :)
Ghorpm: And remember - leveling up while your health is high means you've just wasted a free full heal.
dtgreene: Why do developers keep implementing this mechanic? I find that it makes no sense, I don't really like the sort of gameplay it encourages, and in at least one game I have played (Final Fantasy Adventure), it actually breaks much of the challenge of resource management (for a pure mage in FFA, I could just burn everything with Fire and would level up before running out of MP, making Ethers pointless).
No idea but yeah it doesn't make any sense. But it's there and since the game is rather challenging I advise to keep it in mind
Gerin: totally agree. I have favorite genres, but as Barry White taught us, too much of anything ain't good for you, baby.
Caesar.: I like switching between long games (usually RPGs) and shorter ones (usually point-and-click), with some strategy in the middle to spice things up. I'm currently in one period of shorter adventure/puzzle games (currently playing Simon the Sorcerer, previous one was RiME, still to decide the next).

I find this helps to finish games. If one takes too long, I will take a mini-break with a short one.
Good plan. Sometimes I feel depressed because I finish a game and none of my others appeals to me.
Any of the ones on Beatriceelysia's list would be awesome to finish.
Happy gaming Beatriceelysia! And eneryone!
I'm sure hoping to finish Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic by the end of the year. 2nd Syron scenario now, save scummed like crazy until things started settling down, but still playing like I wouldn't normally, taking risks and if I lose a hero or one of the units I consider key I reload; normally I'd be careful and defensive but... yeah, want to finish it.
Otherwise, the list for 2018 included finishing Eschalon I (started last year, got to probably close to end, then just suddenly dropped it, never got back) and NWN: Kingmaker (at least that campaign, if not the other additional ones - started in 2016, struggled with it, dropped it, may have poked at it a bit more in early 2017, not since), plus still saying I should go through King of Dragon Pass and win, but haven't even tried since 2015 after failing badly the 2nd time, and still waiting for that version 2.0 for Quest for Infamy, so did mean it for this year but at least in this case it's not me procastinating :p
But before those older "entries", Lords of Xulima would be next on the to finish list, after AoW:SM. Another case of diving right in, actually struggling through the really nasty early part, then just suddenly dropping it just as it was getting more manageable though. Definitely mean to get back to that one though, far more so than those above.
No point in mentioning games not even started.

Good luck Beatrice (nice list! only played IWD2 out of those, way back), and to everyone else posting their lists too :)
toxicTom: But why??
BeatriceElysia: Achievements
I also hate mods. I also love NWN1, guess that.
I've had the worst luck trying to mod Bethesda's games. Any other title from any other developer - no problem. I suspect that part of the problem with Bethesda's titles is that there are so many mods that require other mods that it quickly turns into a tangled mess of conflicts and incompatibilities.
I have started playing Planescape: Torment more times than I can count, I always quit after a couple of hours. I guess I don't have the peace of mind required to read a whole book in front of the PC, even though it was really great and immersive. In the end, it was some combat area that made me grow tired of it last time.

Dragon Age: Origins. Halfway through multiple times, never finished it.

Knights of the Old Republic II. I loved the first one, got bored after a while in the second one. Even though I suspect I will love it later on.

Games to complete not available on PC: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2, The Dark Spire.
DadJoke007: The Dark Spire.
Awesome awesome awesome game. I wanted to purchase the limited edition that came with the OST (awesome awesome awesome soundtracks) but that was way too expensive.
Post edited November 16, 2018 by Cambrey
I'm so disorganized. I always see people who set aside a stack of books they plan to read, movies they've set to watch and of course games to play and finish. I wish I could be like that but I don't have the mind for it. Most days I just sit around and do nothing, because I feel like nothing, and nothing captures my intrigue like it used to. Last game to grab me was of all things Deltarune, which I was lucky enough to read about and play the day it came out on Halloween before the inevitable flood of may-mays took over. I really liked it. What I played I think was better than even Undertale. If Toby can find a team to get the damn thing finished he could have something to easily surpass it.

Before that I was really into Hollow Knight. The Godmaster DLC was impressively filled to the brim with content but so much of it exceeded my threshold of patience and difficulty tolerance I pretty much quit playing after trying over and over and failing and failing to beat the new boss that greets you at the end of Pantheon 4. NKG and the Path of Pain in the Grimm Troupe were tough challenges but fair, rewarding ones. Godmaster not only ups the difficulty ante but there's so much of it! Enter the dream world where you are provided over a dozen ways to get your ass punted back in your face repeatedly. I love that game so much but I couldn't take much more of it. I'm getting old. I'm losing my edge. Hell I was never even good at video games to begin with. I grew up playing babby games like Kirby's Adventure and Super Mario Bros. 3. The DKC games, Yoshi's Island, games like those not long after. And so on.

OH, yeah I played a bit of Lords of the Fallen, which I bought here, being dirt cheap and DENUVO-FREE THANK FKN CHRIST and after beating the first two bosses it's not the horror show that people make it out to be. No it's not as good as any of the Soulsborne games, but by no means is it a bad game. Yeah there's a lot of heft and weight to your movement but it's never unresponsive. I was liking the hulking hammer weapons I started with until I found a greater liking for DPS with the quick spear weapons (Monk's Staff as of last playtime). Aesthetic is very derivative of Blizzard games but still can't deny that the game looks DAMN good still. I don't know how long the game is or if it'll get immensely worse later on but for now I think it's alright.
Let's see...

Icewind Dale, both
Shadow Warrior 2
Oblivion and Skyrim
Fallout New Vegas
Trine 2
Torchlight 2
Iron Harvest
Pillars of Eternity
Dark Souls
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

and Descent 1,2,3 - I've completed them before but since I love those I might as well play them just once more :D
Post edited November 16, 2018 by sanscript