RWarehall: Strawman much? Fallout 3 has never been bundled 4 games to a $1. Funny how you think such a dumb argument has any meaning.
No, it didn't. But it sold more than 2 million units in Steam alone. The point is that most people that'll buy in on GOG would own it on Steam already. That's part of GOG's business. It's what happens when you release games way after its release date. And yet if works for GOG. Mainly because of the DRM-Free angle.
I'm not familiar with Betrayal, but One Finger Death Punch is a highly praised game that hasn't been released DRM-Free that I know of. The bundles are all steam keys.
RWarehall: Some people wonder why GoG has passed of some of these games...
I gave you a very common sense explanation.
Most people will not pay $5 for a game here that they can get for $.25 on Steam. Nor would GoG expect them to. As long as some of these publishers print Steam bundle keys like crazy 6 times a year, it makes zero sense for GoG to attempt to sell those games. I have news for you, Pong is a classic game too, but I don't think GoG would make much money selling it for $14.99...
And you're the one accusing people of strawman?
But there's a bit of a point hidden in there. Yes, price tag is a very important factor to maximize sales.
Basically, using OFDP as an example. Maybe people wouldn't pay $5 for it -some would-. But a 60% release discount making it $2 on a drm-release? Probably many would.
RWarehall: As to any game being on sale for $5, yeah, most of them, and most GoG users wait to even buy them here until they are on sale for less as well.
Maybe you ought to pay more attention to the release threads here. You get to see people post things like, "I'll pass on that one, got it in a Steam bundle already" "$9.99? That game should be $5.99 because its 7 years old already." "I'll wait for a sale on this one"
I do. And I also indulge in that kind of behavior. As a current example, you have VTM:Bloodlines recent release. At $20. A game that is usually in steam sales at $5. I didn't buy it on release here, of course. Maybe GOG shouldn't have release it? You watch those threads, so you know most people already played it and have it. And you also read that many bought it again anyway. And many more will -myself included- at a better price.
RWarehall: Some people here are delusional about the sales potential of some of these heavily bundled games. Most bundled Indie games which GoG accepts have only seen limited bundle releases, often BTA tier not $1 tier, and most often haven't been bundled in over a year. I wouldn't doubt if GoG adds a clause to the contract demanding no bundling for a certain period of time as well.
And some other people dismiss entirely the fact that some people prefer games on GOG and are willing to buy them again if they already have them. Specially if they were never released drm-free before.
Another game that comes to mind -one of those whore-like games you reject- that would fit perfectly here and I actually think GOG would like to have is Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons.
RWarehall: But with tens of thousands of games out there, GoG can easily be picky and ignore the bundleshovelware games.
Some games are too important and too good to ignore, regardless of its bundles.
Brothers is one of those games for me. But hen you also have bundled games like the Civilization and the Total War series that people really really really want here in spite of that.