wrat: also if lag from a wireless kb or controller is going to be a problem it would not be good.
NO point and click and obviously or maybe not NO FPS (wireless kb remember)
What kind of lag are you getting on wireless devices? I use wireless mouse and keyboard quite often, also when playing on TV, and to me it feels fine, also playing FPS games and such.
If wireless caused significant lag to gaming, then all console gamers with their wireless gamepads would be in deep trouble.
As for your question... yeah games with small text are out, unless you play them on lower resolutions making the text bigger. Naturally it also depends how big your TV is, and how far from it you are sitting. Ok you said 10 feet, that is like... 3 meters in the real world. I think that is about the same to me playing on a 47 inch HDTV from the couch.
Unlike you suggested, I'd say FPS games are fine for TV gaming, as they quite rarely require you to see tiny text or objects. Paradox strategy games and many other new-ish strategy games are possibly out, as they quite often require you to read small text, see small icons and units, etc.
Some suggested that you should look for gamepad games, but I find it quite easy to set up using a wireless mouse and keyboard even when playing from the couch. Using an armrest or a pillow (so that it is a bit elevated) is quite ok for a mouse. (Also, I only have a wired (not wireless) gamepad, so that's also a reason why I personally play more with m+kb from the couch...)
One thing I _don't_ play from the couch are flight combat sims and space sims where I want to use a flightstick, as I have only wired joysticks, I don't even know if anyone makes wireless flightsticks. The answer is only a google away, I guess.