WinterSnowfall: If you're talking about the former LEVEL computer game magazines, man, I had like an entire collection of those back in the day. I bought almost everything that was on the market until I settled on LEVEL. Used to buy them religiously every month, on the small allowance that I was getting from the government for being in school.
CHIP computer hardware/software magazines were also stacked on my shelves and are probably responsible for much of my hardware knowledge, or at least were back then.
LEVEL also usually came with a full game on every edition. Sometimes it was pretty uninteresting, but most were OK. I've replaced almost all of them with GOG purchases (lugging entire bags of CDs around is hardly practical these days), but I still have a copy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3! To be honest it was my only legal source of games outside of GOG and a few retail purchases, both of which came much later in my life.
I've kept a couple of the CDs, for the sake of nostalgia. See attached pictures :P.
*nods* Way back in the day, well before the period of full games, when there was heavy competition between multiple gaming magazines (Computer Games, PC Games, Level, XtremPC) and people picking their "team", I was fully with Computer Games... Which also vanished way back then, had no idea what was going on, sent my dad to look wherever he went to other areas of the city, he asked around for months, was just getting told that nope, no issue for that month was available (bar in one place, where the seller cheerfully produced a magazine... the last one which had been released, a few months old at that point, fortunately dad noticed and didn't buy it again).
But then I got internet access, could look things up, found their forum and became really active there, ended up creating their IRC channel too when one of their guys for some reason had his request rejected, managed it for a while until handing it over, and then vanishing off the forum too when I was too messed up to handle much of any interaction anymore.
Anyway, basically I just had that handful of Computer Games issues, didn't switch to another after that, and I seem to recall looking through some Chip too, but just a few issues and maybe not even purchased, just seen at someone else or borrowed, can't recall. Then there were just those 3 issues of Level won on that site in 2004 (or maybe one of them was at the start of 2005?) and those four I bought just for the full games they came with, Two Worlds 2 in 2012, the others in 2010.
As for legal purchases... Here? Back then? What was that? :))