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Here in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon), we've just endured our longest stretch on record of days over 95 F. No surprise that I spent it playing games instead of venturing out. (minus trips to the liquor store, dispensary, and grocery store as needed)

I had originally thought that games that channeled the cold would be best (Skyrim, Frostpunk, Batman Arkham Knight, etc) would be best to keep me mentally cool.

Instead I found myself going to games that brought the heat (Mad Max, Fallout:NV, Firewatch). I think my lizard brain thought "at least it's not THAT hot".

So I was wondering, when the weather is horrible, do you lean into it? Or try to counter-program? What are your faves to play when it's unbearable outside?
I do the lay on bed and don't turn on the pc if it's too hot to add even more heat to my room and just check my phone.
Since i don't have an AC but when it's at least not crazy hot i do play less demanding games on pc like anno 1602 and cdda even played dungeon town when it was 33°C, but it's gotta be less to play starbound but when it was 38°C i didn't turn on pc.
Post edited August 01, 2022 by Fonzer
rabblevox: Here in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon), we've just endured our longest stretch on record of days over 95 F. No surprise that I spent it playing games instead of venturing out. (minus trips to the liquor store, dispensary, and grocery store as needed)

I had originally thought that games that channeled the cold would be best (Skyrim, Frostpunk, Batman Arkham Knight, etc) would be best to keep me mentally cool.

Instead I found myself going to games that brought the heat (Mad Max, Fallout:NV, Firewatch). I think my lizard brain thought "at least it's not THAT hot".

So I was wondering, when the weather is horrible, do you lean into it? Or try to counter-program? What are your faves to play when it's unbearable outside?
Imho 95F (35C) can be manageable without A/C using only fans –no pun intented– and that's about it. Fans... are very cost effective. I know I know lotsa variables there, humidity, climate, "ambience" and so on but you get the idea.
Take a quick and cold but "not-that-ice-cold-that'll-close-your-pores" kinda shower around 5:30 pm, grab your favorite ice cold bubbly soda water, some damp towels in the place and preferably comfortable clothing. Forget about leather sofas, that stuff sticks.

You'll be set in no time to dig some masterpieces of your personal preference. May I suggest something turn based? Whatever floats your boat heh ;P
rabblevox: What are your faves to play when it's unbearable outside?
Anything that doesn't stress the GPU too much really. I played and finished Hollow Knight this summer, but I can only recommend it if you're a masochist. It's the Dark Souls of platformers...
rabblevox: Imho 95F (35C) can be manageable without A/C using only fans –no pun intented– and that's about it. Fans... are very cost effective. I know I know lotsa variables there, humidity, climate, "ambience" and so on but you get the idea.
Take a quick and cold but "not-that-ice-cold-that'll-close-your-pores" kinda shower around 5:30 pm, grab your favorite ice cold bubbly soda water, some damp towels in the place and preferably comfortable clothing. Forget about leather sofas, that stuff sticks.

You'll be set in no time to dig some masterpieces of your personal preference. May I suggest something turn based? Whatever floats your boat heh ;P
Big believer in fans. Also opening windows wide between about 4 and 10 am. I've got a small AC which isn't remotely up to the task, but it's been running like a trooper. (and I'm NOT looking forward to next month's electric bill!) Unfortunately, even in the middle of the night, bathwater is tepid, and a shower leaves me feeling even stickier than before (less stinky though, so there's that).

Most turn-based games make me think too much, even if they don't require fast fingers. You did, though, remind of of todays "must-play" game. I haven't played West of Loathing in a few years. Turn-based, simple mechanics, laugh-out-loud funny. Wouldn't have thought of it without your prompt, so thanks!
victorchopin: Imho 95F (35C) can be manageable without A/C using only fans –no pun intented– and that's about it. Fans... are very cost effective. I know I know lotsa variables there, humidity, climate, "ambience" and so on but you get the idea.
On the Mediterranean, that's very much a no. 3 months of AC or daily torment :(

OT, whatever doesn't overheat your PC and which you can play with less attention. So old turn-based games or point'n'click adventures are ideal.
rabblevox: so thanks!
Nah, my pleasure. Great topic btw!!
victorchopin: Imho 95F (35C) can be manageable without A/C using only fans –no pun intented– and that's about it. Fans... are very cost effective. I know I know lotsa variables there, humidity, climate, "ambience" and so on but you get the idea.
Plok_HR: On the Mediterranean, that's very much a no. 3 months of AC or daily torment :(

OT, whatever doesn't overheat your PC and which you can play with less attention. So old turn-based games or point'n'click adventures are ideal.
For me summers are like "one daily torment for me sir!" since I work mostly outside ;P
Post edited August 02, 2022 by victorchopin
OpenRCT2. Play one of the colder scenarios like Iceberg Isles.
Darvond: OpenRCT2. Play one of the colder scenarios like Iceberg Isles.
Or just a rainy one like Katie's Dreamland.
95° F? *Laughs in Louisiana*
Post edited August 02, 2022 by TheCleaner517
HuniePop for me.
I think Cryostasis would cool you down even in the middle of a desert:
InSaintMonoxide: HuniePop for me.
I think OP wants to lower the temps here man
InSaintMonoxide: HuniePop for me.
victorchopin: I think OP wants to lower the temps here man
Works for me. Very stressless and calm.
InSaintMonoxide: Works for me.
And wanks for me ;D