Cave Story's Secret Santa While it’s not a sort of game that I’d normally go for, it ended up being a nice enough way to spend about an hour. I guess it helps if you play it at this “proper” time of year, but it should be pretty easy to pick up and play either way, the houses are sufficiently varied to remain interesting, and I should be proof enough that you can get through it all even if you wouldn’t normally have the interest, or the skills, for the genre. And the music’s pretty nice as well, at least considering the game’s length, which prevents it from feeling repetitive.
Some actual instructions would have helped, however, as I discovered only by accident that you can briefly sprint, though I hardly ever did it, needed a little while to realize that you can also pull blocks, only found after I finished the game what the Jellyfish Juice did, I guess because I always made sure to fully explore the houses before leaving, and was at quite a loss the one time when you need to whack a guard with the bag, trying to go everywhere else and then stay a short distance away and press every key before I dared to walk right up to it and hit Enter, wondering if anything would happen. And then there are some technical matters as well, one being that the game seems to only be meant for widescreen resolutions and doesn’t have any real options, so on my 1280×1024 monitor the sides of the screen were cut off and I couldn’t see the name of the house or the number of presents to deliver, and I also wonder why does such a small and simple game require a 64-bit OS, which prevented me from playing it until now. And why were those things that seemed to be save and recovery points in the game if they never worked, and displayed that message that the drive appears to be full that actually made me wonder whether something was wrong?