Just finished
Wizardry 6, which is my second playing.
The final bosses, vampires were tough nuts to crack. They can be only beaten by wooden stakes and holy water, so my samurai could not use the strong Muramasa blade, and my fighter un-equipped the Avenger sword.
After a dozen tries, finally beat them, and then I fought the true boss...a dragon, which had a strong attack, and only one fighter survived when beating him...
I will transport my adventurers to Wizardry 7. but before it, I will grind them a bit, I want at least 3 fighters to have learned Kirijyutu (decapitate) skill, which only the samurai had learned so far.
(By the way, there is no word for Kirijyutu in Japanese. Perhaps the devs would want it to be "斬り術" (an art of killing with a sword?), but no such word exists, the closest words would be "剣術 (Ken Jyutu. an art of sword fighting)" or "居合術" (Iai Jyutu. an art of quick-draw sword technique) I think.)
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