According to the reviews I've made, I only managed to beat two GOG games last year, so I'll post the GOG games I managed to beat this year.
F.E.A.R. Platinum
I managed to get around to completing the FEAR expansions this year after beating the base game last year in a few days. Took months in between. I must say, FEAR and Extraction Point are fantastic. Perseus Mandate is merely okay, if only because it's more FEAR.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
I actually played this way back on Xbox back in the day. I liked the Egypt level in that port. Unfortunately, I feel like time has moved against this game and it has not aged gracefully. The New Order is still going to be my favorite Wolfenstein game.
I was really excited for this game back in the day, but luck did not grant me a decent computer, and then I had to move around a bunch and only until this year, 15 years after it debuted, did I manage to play it. Well, okay, I played the Xbox 360 version for like a level until it crashed on my Xbox One. I guess it can't play Crysis, amirite? Anyway, fun game, planning to get to Warhead eventually.
World In Conflict
A fun take on RTS, if it abandoned base building to focus on micromanaging units. Normal difficulty was a bit too easy for my tastes, but evidently playing against Hard AI in skirmish is a bit of challenge if only due to the fact that I got rusty from not playing it after a while.
Latest game I beat, fun tactical shooter. I wish there were more missions because they end up being too short once you figure out how to just shoot everyone with the pepperball gun and win. Frustrating too when your squad isn't too smart and gets killed by suspects, but I guess repetition with randomization is supposed to make it replayable. Still, in spite of the problems it has, I liked it well enough.
As for games I plan on beating, I have quite a few:
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption: Actually making progress, if slowly. Got to the Tremere domain but have been holding it off a little bit. Is on top of my priority list.
Far Cry 1
Deus Ex: I swear I will eventually beat this game in spite of all the spoilers I've endured. I played it back in 2012 and went to MJ-12 jail, but sometimes I can't do thinking man's games much. It's shelved, but in a way I will come back to it.
Fallout: Same as Deus Ex. Played it back in 2012, almost beat it, laptop died. This game, I got to Necropolis. Maybe sometime this year.
Games I booted up and have made substantial progress, but this year is a big if:
Blood - Fresh Supply
Unreal Gold
Far Cry 2: Hilarious because I've beaten this game before, twice, and I keep making new games, I get to the second map, but then I fizzle out. I fizzled out this time because of the realization that they never fixed the tape bugs. What a shame.
Just Cause: Again, already beat this game before, twice, and it's real easy to boot, but maybe that's why I've put it off.
Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth: I got hit by a bug where peeking into a room triggered a cutscene which then soft locked my game. I can always reload, but that's another 15 minutes down the drain.
Morrowind: Playing it in OpenMW right now. Well, not right now, I've been playing other games, but it being a content rich game would require more of my attention than I have to spare, so mostly shelved aside from once in a while.
UFO - Aftermath: Completed the tutorial mission. Fizzled out real bad.
The Incredible Machine: Apparently, I'm on the hard end of the puzzles. I feel like if I devoted more time, I could beat it, but eh.
Papers, Please: Actually, this is probably something I could beat this weekend if I bothered. I'm actually quite far.
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People