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This is what you get when the people who made Amnesia the Dark Descent decide to do something with more story and a quite good one at that. It may be a funny comparison, but it's story draws similarities to NieR: Automata in a very broad sense. The devs usual strengths of slow atmospheric horror, unfortunately works against the game a bit on this occasion. The stealth sections and sometimes overly long puzzle sections almost start feeling like unwanted roadblocks delaying the impact of the story. I suppose they kept their usual game play elements so that it wouldn't be accused of just being a walking simulator. But overall, I really liked it- as the dark brand of sci-fi world building was really well done and the story is thought provoking.

Edit: It's also on sale on GOG right now, if you didn't already get it free on Epic.
Soma is amazing game. Soma was free on gog too just cant remember when 2020 maybe cant remember.
Games I finished this year....let see...

Ni No Kuni II
Resident Evil 3
FAR: Lone Sail
The Walking Dead Final Season
Dark Picture Anthology: Men Of Medan
Paradise Lost

All games I played on steam, not that I like it that much, but there I have huge library and on gog I have only few games.
ciemnogrodzianin: Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dont Dry (2018) (Linux/Wine)

It's not Larry as we remember him. Terrible game.

List of all games completed in 2022.
That's been the case since Magna Cum Laude...
Cavalary: That's been the case since Magna Cum Laude...
True :(
Dead Space 2, Jul 2 (Xbox game pass)-I loved the first game and the sequel did not disappoint. For the most part it was more of the same which was perfect for me. It felt a little more difficult than the first game with some tough areas causing me to run out of ammo and start using secondary weapons more. The setup/story of the this game wasn't quite as good as the first. I think it should have been a little more subtle and slowly built up the atmosphere and dread instead of trying to throw it all at you in the first 2 minutes. But the overall gameplay was still a lot of fun and very tense.

Full List
As a child I loved Sanitarium demo, although it was very short. Now after finishing the whole game I must say, that it was the best part. The further in the game I was, less I wanted to continue. I had several problems with this game. First problem is, that very often it was not easily recognizable what is interactive object and what not, secondly character movement is absolutely terrible, which lead very often to many delays as main character went to opposite direction than I wanted, starting “longer” movement animation (in some parts) which sucked motivation to continue. From this reason since “The Courtyard and Chapel” I played based to walkthrough, saving many backtracking. Moreover I had some artifacts in picture, mainly on cursor movement. Luckily all bugs avoided me. Nowadays I cannot recommend this game.
Titanfall 2, Jul 3 (Xbox game pass)-I had heard a lot of good things about the single player campaign so I wanted to try it out and it didn't disappoint. The only real complaint I have is how short the game is. I think it took longer to download than to actually finish. All of the levels were diverse and fun. Gameplay with both Jack and BT was enjoyable although I struggled quite a bit with the parkour style platforming. The big titan battle at the end was a high point. Actually everything after the first level was a high point. Probably the most fun I've had in a mech since Mechwarrior 2.

Full List
Radical new concept in videogames, walking places. Death Stranding.

Initially began confused by weird babies and walking, and ended up considerably impressed by the fantastic open ended, non linear & old fashioned game design, properly functioning open world, impressive visuals, great music, art direction, fantastic cast, unique new mechanics and plenty of surprises. I greatly enjoyed hiking, driving, riding, climbing, transporting, pathfinding, constructing & fighting to reconnect a desolate world.

Certainly came out on top I believe among other big comparable games at the time like Cyberpunk and Red Dead Redemption 2. I'd certainly recommend avoiding any preconceptions and giving it a go. One detail of many I particularly liked was the motorbike in the game seems to be inspired by Kenada's bike from the anime Akira. I was also one of the winners of the screenshot competition judged by Kojima Productions.

+500 Premium Deliveries Completed. Keep on keeping on.
Post edited July 04, 2022 by bad_fur_day1
After 6 years and 11 months, I've decided to get back to my unfinished 3rd playthrough of Atelier Rorona on PS3. The goal for this playthrough was Pie Master ending, while getting Rorona's Alchemy level to 50. Both goals were achieved successfully, although after three days of playing, I have remembered why I have abandoned the run all these years ago :) . Getting this ending was almost as much busywork as getting the Astrid Ending, which little bit spoiled my fun during last two days of playing. It took me 62 hours this time. Thankfully all other endings are much easier to achieve, so I hope, I will be able to get back to another playthrough after much shorter break :) .

Full list of my finished games, can be found HERE :)
Post edited July 04, 2022 by MMLN
Added Hitman 3 (2021) to my list over here:

Hitman 3 (2021) - Xbox for PC Game Pass.

Written 07-03-2022:
Just finished-up Story Mode for Hitman 3 (2021) from Xbox for PC Game Pass. It's basically more of their World of Assassination Trilogy games, basically - i.e. Hitman (2016), Hitman 2 (2018) & now obviously Hitman 3 (2021). So, you know mostly what you're walking into here, if you've played those games - and have a good idea of what your walking and stealth-ing your way into. More huge sandbox-y levels (mostly); more ways to kill enemies and targets; more unlocks; and/or more things of that sort - and if that sounds good to you, you're going to like this game.

Game looks stunning, provided you have RT-based hardware; no surprise. And at times, in some levels, it can be really stunning with how many NPC's they have packed all over the place, populating a level. I ran it mostly at Maxed-out settings with RT On & DLSS On at 1080p, often in the 60fps range. One level though, had to drop the RT down to Medium (Vineyard level) just to get it to 60fps, as it was easily splitting performance in half w/ so many NPC's in the world & with so much going on there.

As usual per modern Hitman games, you're scored per level against your Friends and also the Global Leaderboards - so, you'll likely want to try to play as Stealthy as possible, kill as few enemies as you can (best off killing namely your targets only); explore & find all of the areas; utilize cool and unique puzzle-style & puzzle-solving ways to kill targets in special ways; and/or things of that sort. It's up to you how to do this, of course, as combat still feels really good & very smooth here - so in some instances, when need be, you can shoot your way out of the level when necessary and then try to find an Exit ASAP. As usual, you can unlock new weapons, items, disguises, exits, and whatnot - once you actually finish levels...which is going to keep the replay value of this game going for fans of these games & this WoA Trilogy.

Though, unfortunately - like most Hitman games since Hitman (2016), you're going to need to be online to keep all of this progress, as you'll need to be tied into the IO Servers for this progress. I wish newer games would stop this trend, in case I want to play some of those offline in case something goes wrong on my end for Internet access, my ISP's end, or IO's servers on their end.

Though, taking a few cues from Hitman: Absolution here - there's a few though, there's not many of these missions or specific parts of missions - where there are very specific & special goals (i.e. missions you can kill enemies, for example and get points for that...if you want to); and they also do much more story elements even within levels that tie directly into the main story, besides just knocking off targets. Regardless, it feels like mostly all killer & no filler, like many of the earlier and great Hitman games, such as Hitman: Blood Money.

After almost 10 hours of so of spending time here, it feels like this epic World of Assassination Trilogy (WoA Trilogy) here that began since Hitman (2016) has finally concluded & is indeed nothing short of Hitman awesome-ness. Not only that, but this is a satisfying conclusion to the WoA Trilogy. Play this game; IO Interactive has yet again killed it here...with yet another really good Hitman game.
Post edited July 04, 2022 by MysterD
Virtue's Last Reward (XSX Game Pass)

The second of the Zero Escape trilogy and the other half of the Nonary Games bundle that contains the remastered versions of the first two games. First of all, VLR is a sequel and not just a standalone game. Well you could play it without playing 999 first, technically it is a standalone story, but I would strongly suggest playing them in order. VLR is full of references and characters that tie back to 999, to miss these would greatly reduce the stories impact as you uncover it. Otherwise it is like the first game but cranked up to 11. It has the same loose science based story- stuff like Einsteins theory on infinite parallel universes and timelines, a mix of theories and unproven science and a lot of fantasy all tied together into something like the bastard love child of the Saw movies and 12 Monkeys.

It's worthwhile if you liked the first game, but I also think it just falls short of matching it. The least of its issues are the graphics. The first game came from a original DS game, and for that reason is all 2d. I really liked it's comic book art style. The sequel was for the 3DS and with it's higher power they decided to go 3d. It looks much worse in my opinion. The 3DS was still no power house and the 3d characters are a step down from the hand drawn ones of 999.

The bigger issue was the length and pacing. VLR is almost twice as long as 999 and sometimes lacks that same drive to find what is going on during the slower moments. This is amplified by the puzzles being more difficult and tedious- which further slow the pacing. The puzzles were partly my own doing. They have two difficulty modes, easy represents the same experience as the first game- other characters will give hints if you keep failing something. Hard mode gives very few hints. I got quite some way in doing things on hard and then refused to use easy mode because I wanted to get all achievements. Even so i think the puzzles were sometimes just a bit too convoluted.

Despite the issues this was quite an experience and coming up with my own theories on who people really were and then having them confirmed was rewarding. I considered going straight to the sequel Zero Time's on sale on Steam right now, but I think I'll wait for it to come to Xbox and Game Pass- Spike Chunsoft games seem to be dropping at regular intervals now.
Post edited July 05, 2022 by CMOT70
bad_fur_day1: Radical new concept in videogames, walking places. Death Stranding.
I enjoyed watching walkthroughs on YouTube. The bizarre ambiance kind of fazed me at first, but I eventually got used to it. Great gaming experience, in my opinion, even if there is no way I will ever play the game (too much hassle gameplaywise).
Reventure (GOG)

An adventure about to rescue a princess. It has more than 100 endings, i ´ve completed the 150% but i needed to see some walkthroughs because the minion tower was quite difficult. Graphics are nice and music too. The game was made by a Spanish company, i don´t know haw the translations work but in spanish texts and deaths are very funny. 5 stars.
Akalabeth: World of Doom

Richard Garriot's first attempt at creating a game, coded in 1979 it's actually one of the first cRPGs ever created, sometimes also called Ultima 0. I actually played the 1998 DOS version as original seemed like too much hassle.

After several tries without any guide, I finally caved in and read one. I found out about an exploit of one of the items, which basically made my character kill everything in one hit with bare hands. This way it took me about 2 hours to complete the game.

The mechanics are definitely dated. You don't level up your character as you'd expect from more recent RPGs, instead you are rewarded with hit points every time you exit dungeons. The amount of hit points you gain depends on enemies you slay, so the deeper you go, the bigger the rewards. You can of course keep going between first and second level of the dungeon if you find going deep to be too hard. You also gain stats for completing "quests" - basically killing a certain creature that the king points you to.

It would actually be quite a difficult game if not for the exploit I mentioned before. I'm not that nostalgic about olden games to try it though. Now it's on to Ultima 1.
Warcraft 3 Reforged. I count this one as finished because I've beaten all the campaigns and I don't have much interest in multiplayer or skirmishes against the AI. I might play around with the AI a little, but after that: sayonara Blizzard(until I start a playthrough of Starcraft or Diablo 3)!
Post edited July 07, 2022 by oldgamebuff42