Assassin's Creed Revelations
The final AC2 game, it's quite small compared to its predecessors, but, by god, it is padded.
Most of it takes place in Constantinople, which is not a particularly huge map, but it's overflowing with stores and landmarks to renew, items to find and a bunch of side activities related to maintaining the brotherhood and expanding its influence over various cities. There's a new Den defense mini game, that is boring as hell and as soon as I could, I upgraded my "Brotherhood" out of it.
This padding creates a weird unbalance, where you can acquire the secret overpowered armors and weapons long before the highest level normal stuff become available to buy. There's also a small part of Constantinople that only becomes available after a certain point in the story.
The story itself is mostly fine. Most of its twists and turns work fine, and the new character Yusuf if nice, even if the story doesn't do him justice. It also did a good job of ending Ezio's story, while allowing him (and us) to visit the rest of Altair's life, though Altair's missions are all restricted to the same Masyaf map and his story kind of a bittersweet ending for the character. Desmond's side of the story is quite uneventful, since he's stuck in the Animus, but finally gives us who subject 16 is/was and there are a few first person puzzle levels that, while not particularly interesting from a gameplay stand point, offer a nice, if limited, look into Desmond's life.
I still have to play through The Lost Archive DLC, but from what I've seem, it's more first person puzzle levels.
Edit: Graphics aged somewhat poorly, due to the washed out colors that were common at the time. I was more offended by the UI and controls that, while still funcional, aged way more poorly. Also, fuck minor objectives for "100% Synch", those things suck.
Edit: For some goddamned reason, every single time I launch this game from Steam, Ubisoft Connect asks me to re-enter my password, even when the app is already open and logged in. Infuriating!
Post edited April 22, 2022 by Falci