Titan Quest It's not the first time I've finished the game so it's pretty obvious that I enjoy it a lot (otherwise I wouldn't replay it). So while the story is rather weak and side quest very boring (you'll finish 99% of them just by exploring every map, sometimes even before you get them) the actual hack & slash part + looting is really great. Nice variety of locations and enemies add an extra flavor. But where the game really shines is the diversity of possible classes achieved by combination of two masteries! Each with it's own strengths and weaknesses and different tactic.
This time, however, I saw only strengths and no weaknesses. I went with Haruspex (Dream + Hunting) and I thought I would be a nimble but fragile priest-like character that will cast some spells, shoot a few arrows and run away. Boy, I was wrong. Apparently Dream mastery is nothing I expected it to be. So in the end I got a nimble and powerful warrior, wielding a huge spear equally devastating to bosses and regular mobs. Is it the easiest character ever? I'm sure it's recommended for beginner players, because this character is seriously overpowered. Self-healing, electrifying aura (in second act most enemies were dying before I was able to strike them!), fast with spears which do a lot of damage and with a few powerful hits. I didn't even try to get any pet.
So yeah, it was a blast but perhaps a bit too easy. Nevertheless I can recommend the game to any h&s fan. It's definitely one of the best games in this genre.
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