Posted June 28, 2018

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania

Silence of the LAMs
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted June 28, 2018

But then, with ASE3 mapper, when you had to switch to windowed mode - it will lag after alt+tab. You need to press alt+tab few times to stop freezes and you can play again.

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted June 29, 2018
Finished Superhot after a few hours. Yup, it's as short as everyone says, which is fine with me because although I found the game interesting, I was starting to find it tedious a ways into it.
It's basically a puzzle game pretending to be an FPS. You're dropped into scenarios that are a lot like action movie scenes (e.g., you're trapped in a elevator with three guys with their pistols trained on you and you have to take them all down in mere seconds) and the game moves in super slow motion until you start moving. So you figure out where everyone is, nudge along to dodge bullets, figure out which guy you want to take out first and with what weapon, and go from there. At first I thought it was cool but then the constant stop-start pacing began to get to me and I found myself wanting to play something with a smoother pace instead.
It's basically a puzzle game pretending to be an FPS. You're dropped into scenarios that are a lot like action movie scenes (e.g., you're trapped in a elevator with three guys with their pistols trained on you and you have to take them all down in mere seconds) and the game moves in super slow motion until you start moving. So you figure out where everyone is, nudge along to dodge bullets, figure out which guy you want to take out first and with what weapon, and go from there. At first I thought it was cool but then the constant stop-start pacing began to get to me and I found myself wanting to play something with a smoother pace instead.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted June 29, 2018
Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily (Steam GA)
This very brief but modestly charming HOG features an above average storyline somewhere between fiction and sci-fi. Mostly "real crime" except that the plot hinges around a super-freezing serum.
The game never seems to observe it odd that this small coterie of local criminals who has developed an amazing super-freezing serum decided to go all in on making a small fortune on forging counterfeit $100 bills that ultimately leads to their downfall, instead of, you know, like forming a legal corporation and making billions legally owning the patent to an amazing super-freezing serum and a second fortune owning and licensing the patent to the super-thawing serum.
But if you can ignore all that, the story is ultimately about love and greed and a savvy city detective smart enough to do advanced chemistry and fix a chairlift and catch a serial killer while somehow being gullible enough to trust the wrong people repeatedly.
The puzzles are mostly forgettable, as are the hidden object mini-games, but for the most part it's a pleasant, relatively interesting game about the length of a typical hollywood movie (2-3 hours). No bonus chapter, but that's probably ok.
This very brief but modestly charming HOG features an above average storyline somewhere between fiction and sci-fi. Mostly "real crime" except that the plot hinges around a super-freezing serum.
The game never seems to observe it odd that this small coterie of local criminals who has developed an amazing super-freezing serum decided to go all in on making a small fortune on forging counterfeit $100 bills that ultimately leads to their downfall, instead of, you know, like forming a legal corporation and making billions legally owning the patent to an amazing super-freezing serum and a second fortune owning and licensing the patent to the super-thawing serum.
But if you can ignore all that, the story is ultimately about love and greed and a savvy city detective smart enough to do advanced chemistry and fix a chairlift and catch a serial killer while somehow being gullible enough to trust the wrong people repeatedly.
The puzzles are mostly forgettable, as are the hidden object mini-games, but for the most part it's a pleasant, relatively interesting game about the length of a typical hollywood movie (2-3 hours). No bonus chapter, but that's probably ok.

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted June 30, 2018
Just finished Hitman (2016), specifically the Season 1 campaign.
This is actually my second attempt at this post. I decided against the first version when it occurred to me that it literally fills more than three A4 pages. So, I'll try very hard to keep things brief:
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's at the same time the best Hitman game yet and at the same time very not Hitman, looking at it more analytically. The people asking for another Blood Money basically got their wishes fulfilled. The game has pretty much everything that defined the original Hitman games up to Blood Money and all the mechanical additions are sensible. Also the style of the content is surprisingly in line with the series' origins with a good dose of black humour.
Among my more obvious complaints are the amount of content and some other relatively minor things. Ignoring the replayability for a moment the game does not have much content. Each of the episodes is similar in complexity to the bigger levels in the old games and additionally a perfect rating is very easy to achieve, both, due to the hint system and the sheer amount of contextual solutions. So if you have no intention of playing the missions over and over to unlock stuff there's really not much value in this title, even in the complete package. Sure, there's the bonus campaigns but (from what I've seen) those are set on the same maps as the base game and largely depend on the same solutions so it also doesn't quite feel much like new content.
Other issues I have with the game: for one there's a weird absence of foreign languages, every NPC you meet, regardless of ethnicity, speaks English with a perfect American or British accent which not only takes a sense of realism out of the game, it also makes the locations feel a lot less exotic than in past games. I'm also not a big fan of the locations which feel pretty generic. The games always had many generic or let's rather say "archetypical" locations but they also had the odd truly original one. Only 2016's final episode, Hokkaido, had a pretty original idea going for it and genuinely impressed me, the other one's were rather boring, to be honest. And finally: the music is disappointing. Back in the day Hitman was famous for Jesper Kyd's superb soundtracks which usually gave the games a unique and surreal feel. And the soundtracks differed greatly between the games and gave each one of them an absolutely unique feel. The new soundtrack is good but it's pretty generic and also quite repetitive. I like it more than Absolution's soundtrack, though.
My main complaints are more philosophical in nature, though. For one, there's tons of aids that help you solve the levels. You can instantly track "opportunities", which refers to the more elaborate contextual plans that require you to perform a very specific series of actions. You can turn these off (and apparently parts of these hints were only patched in later) but that's very counter-productive considering the game's nature. As I said, getting the best rating requires little effort, skill or intelligence and is not at all what the game is about anymore. Basically what the game is about now is completing challenges which in turn unlock new stuff you can select before starting a mission, e.g. starting out with a disguise, in a different location or with a variety of useful items. And I have several problems with that.
Gone are the times that Hitman was a real "problem solving" game, in a certain sense comparable to the Zachtronics games. Clearly defined simple goals, many options to achieve them and almost no hints and only several parameters that determine your performance. You would strive for that one perfect solution. Observing, retrying, optimising was the name of the game. Until you have that one solution that fulfils your requirements. This would leave each player with their very personal solution, depending on the player possibly also a very ugly one. Sure, some players would develop many solutions but there was no clearly defined upper limit so nobody would do "all solutions". There would of course be overlaps since it's not like there's infinite potential in these games but it sure as hell felt like it. Well, not anymore. Now the game is really about doing everything on that list of challenges, working your way down that very long checklist. Of course, you can choose to ignore this aspect of the game but, as I mentioned, if you do that the game ends up being very short and underwhelming and you also miss out on the unlockable content. And such a system highly discourages out-of-the-box solutions that may not get acknowledged and rewarded by the game. That utterly sucks.
On one hand I know that that's how a Hitman game must be made these days. A single Hitman level is certainly more expensive to develop than ever before (and admittedly they surpass everything seen before in the series in sheer scale and quality). This level of guidance is necessary to make Hitman more accessible and successful and will motivate even rather casual players to really explore all the possibilities and actually understand the formula. And not squeezing every last bit out of the content through a system that encourages and rewards replaying the game would be stupid from an economic perspective alone. So by default the Hitman I knew and loved is dead and can't come back.
At the same time they could have taken some more or less simple steps to keep the original Hitman spirit alive. They could have implemented a system that rewards solutions not envisioned by the designers - it's not that easy but I can think of ways to achievethat. And they certainly should NOT have required the player to finish a level on normal difficulty before "professional" difficulty becomes available. At the very least they should have formally included a setting that plays more traditionally rather than have the player customise certain options relating to hints and challenges before the player even knows which setting will suit him (by the time I knew which setting would suit me best I had already seen too much of the game for it to make any sense). And, of course, they could have taken the approach from various other games where challenges are only revealed after finishing a level at least once.
And yes, I'm aware that many features from Hitman 2016 originate from Absolution. Ironically they didn't annoy me there because Absolution always was a fundamentally different game than any other Hitman game before it.
Anyway, that's my main problems with the game. And once again I ended up with a ridiculously long post, dammit. Sorry, everyone.
This is actually my second attempt at this post. I decided against the first version when it occurred to me that it literally fills more than three A4 pages. So, I'll try very hard to keep things brief:
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's at the same time the best Hitman game yet and at the same time very not Hitman, looking at it more analytically. The people asking for another Blood Money basically got their wishes fulfilled. The game has pretty much everything that defined the original Hitman games up to Blood Money and all the mechanical additions are sensible. Also the style of the content is surprisingly in line with the series' origins with a good dose of black humour.
Among my more obvious complaints are the amount of content and some other relatively minor things. Ignoring the replayability for a moment the game does not have much content. Each of the episodes is similar in complexity to the bigger levels in the old games and additionally a perfect rating is very easy to achieve, both, due to the hint system and the sheer amount of contextual solutions. So if you have no intention of playing the missions over and over to unlock stuff there's really not much value in this title, even in the complete package. Sure, there's the bonus campaigns but (from what I've seen) those are set on the same maps as the base game and largely depend on the same solutions so it also doesn't quite feel much like new content.
Other issues I have with the game: for one there's a weird absence of foreign languages, every NPC you meet, regardless of ethnicity, speaks English with a perfect American or British accent which not only takes a sense of realism out of the game, it also makes the locations feel a lot less exotic than in past games. I'm also not a big fan of the locations which feel pretty generic. The games always had many generic or let's rather say "archetypical" locations but they also had the odd truly original one. Only 2016's final episode, Hokkaido, had a pretty original idea going for it and genuinely impressed me, the other one's were rather boring, to be honest. And finally: the music is disappointing. Back in the day Hitman was famous for Jesper Kyd's superb soundtracks which usually gave the games a unique and surreal feel. And the soundtracks differed greatly between the games and gave each one of them an absolutely unique feel. The new soundtrack is good but it's pretty generic and also quite repetitive. I like it more than Absolution's soundtrack, though.
My main complaints are more philosophical in nature, though. For one, there's tons of aids that help you solve the levels. You can instantly track "opportunities", which refers to the more elaborate contextual plans that require you to perform a very specific series of actions. You can turn these off (and apparently parts of these hints were only patched in later) but that's very counter-productive considering the game's nature. As I said, getting the best rating requires little effort, skill or intelligence and is not at all what the game is about anymore. Basically what the game is about now is completing challenges which in turn unlock new stuff you can select before starting a mission, e.g. starting out with a disguise, in a different location or with a variety of useful items. And I have several problems with that.
Gone are the times that Hitman was a real "problem solving" game, in a certain sense comparable to the Zachtronics games. Clearly defined simple goals, many options to achieve them and almost no hints and only several parameters that determine your performance. You would strive for that one perfect solution. Observing, retrying, optimising was the name of the game. Until you have that one solution that fulfils your requirements. This would leave each player with their very personal solution, depending on the player possibly also a very ugly one. Sure, some players would develop many solutions but there was no clearly defined upper limit so nobody would do "all solutions". There would of course be overlaps since it's not like there's infinite potential in these games but it sure as hell felt like it. Well, not anymore. Now the game is really about doing everything on that list of challenges, working your way down that very long checklist. Of course, you can choose to ignore this aspect of the game but, as I mentioned, if you do that the game ends up being very short and underwhelming and you also miss out on the unlockable content. And such a system highly discourages out-of-the-box solutions that may not get acknowledged and rewarded by the game. That utterly sucks.
On one hand I know that that's how a Hitman game must be made these days. A single Hitman level is certainly more expensive to develop than ever before (and admittedly they surpass everything seen before in the series in sheer scale and quality). This level of guidance is necessary to make Hitman more accessible and successful and will motivate even rather casual players to really explore all the possibilities and actually understand the formula. And not squeezing every last bit out of the content through a system that encourages and rewards replaying the game would be stupid from an economic perspective alone. So by default the Hitman I knew and loved is dead and can't come back.
At the same time they could have taken some more or less simple steps to keep the original Hitman spirit alive. They could have implemented a system that rewards solutions not envisioned by the designers - it's not that easy but I can think of ways to achievethat. And they certainly should NOT have required the player to finish a level on normal difficulty before "professional" difficulty becomes available. At the very least they should have formally included a setting that plays more traditionally rather than have the player customise certain options relating to hints and challenges before the player even knows which setting will suit him (by the time I knew which setting would suit me best I had already seen too much of the game for it to make any sense). And, of course, they could have taken the approach from various other games where challenges are only revealed after finishing a level at least once.
And yes, I'm aware that many features from Hitman 2016 originate from Absolution. Ironically they didn't annoy me there because Absolution always was a fundamentally different game than any other Hitman game before it.
Anyway, that's my main problems with the game. And once again I ended up with a ridiculously long post, dammit. Sorry, everyone.

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Australia
Posted June 30, 2018
Homefront: The Revolution (XB1X)
Without a doubt the best sub 50 Metacritic game I've ever played! I really liked it. It just proves my belief sometimes that game reviewers have a current template that they work to. Linear narrative driven scripted Sony game movie that has a scene that makes you cry...yes? Automatic 90+ on Metacritic.
To start, it's built on the CryEngine, and like all CryEngine games it looks awesome. (I mean, Ryse Son of Rome is still one of the best looking games of this generation even now.) Of course that may have a lot to do with it's initial launch performance issues of Homefront The Revolution. CryEngine is tough on hardware. But it appears to be all patched and running as intended now. At 1800p no less. And I had absolutely no bugs or glitches, another thing the game got smashed for upon release. That's the problem with game media reviews, no one ever goes back to update original reviews when a game gets updated, the scores stand forever and affect the game forever.
The game does a lot of things I liked. It's open world, but not one huge open map. It's divided into smaller maps. This works quite well with how the occupational Korean forces have divided up Philly. Red zones are open combat areas and resemble a war zone, and yellow zones are policed residential zones. Gameplay is different in the different zones- combat or take the ground game play in red zones, more subversive or stealth game play in yellow zones. I really liked how capturing facilities and increasing popular support in zones resulted in obvious changes. In red zones, resistance troops become more numerous and follow you into battle of their own accord and try to help you. In yellow zone the population starts rising up and openly rebelling and rioting as you gain control. These thing make the game stand a bit separate to most open world shooters.
Every thing else, like the shooting mechanics is pretty much par for the course, nothing exceptional, but nothing terrible. But kudos for a dev that knows that not all game have to end in a bullet sponge boss fight. This game ends in an end game sequence that makes sense and finished the story out well.
I really liked the game and am glad I gave it a shot on game pass. The game sells so cheaply on sales that I think I'll even pick it up with the DLC (for like A$13) at some point to play the extra story expansions.
And before I forget, the game has a pretty good easter egg, similar to the original Wolfenstein levels in the newer Wolfenstein games. This time it's an arcade cabinet you can find and play the first two levels of TimeSplitters 4K. Now I want whoever has the rights to Timesplitters to get it onto Xbox One back compatibility so I can play the rest of it.
Without a doubt the best sub 50 Metacritic game I've ever played! I really liked it. It just proves my belief sometimes that game reviewers have a current template that they work to. Linear narrative driven scripted Sony game movie that has a scene that makes you cry...yes? Automatic 90+ on Metacritic.
To start, it's built on the CryEngine, and like all CryEngine games it looks awesome. (I mean, Ryse Son of Rome is still one of the best looking games of this generation even now.) Of course that may have a lot to do with it's initial launch performance issues of Homefront The Revolution. CryEngine is tough on hardware. But it appears to be all patched and running as intended now. At 1800p no less. And I had absolutely no bugs or glitches, another thing the game got smashed for upon release. That's the problem with game media reviews, no one ever goes back to update original reviews when a game gets updated, the scores stand forever and affect the game forever.
The game does a lot of things I liked. It's open world, but not one huge open map. It's divided into smaller maps. This works quite well with how the occupational Korean forces have divided up Philly. Red zones are open combat areas and resemble a war zone, and yellow zones are policed residential zones. Gameplay is different in the different zones- combat or take the ground game play in red zones, more subversive or stealth game play in yellow zones. I really liked how capturing facilities and increasing popular support in zones resulted in obvious changes. In red zones, resistance troops become more numerous and follow you into battle of their own accord and try to help you. In yellow zone the population starts rising up and openly rebelling and rioting as you gain control. These thing make the game stand a bit separate to most open world shooters.
Every thing else, like the shooting mechanics is pretty much par for the course, nothing exceptional, but nothing terrible. But kudos for a dev that knows that not all game have to end in a bullet sponge boss fight. This game ends in an end game sequence that makes sense and finished the story out well.
I really liked the game and am glad I gave it a shot on game pass. The game sells so cheaply on sales that I think I'll even pick it up with the DLC (for like A$13) at some point to play the extra story expansions.
And before I forget, the game has a pretty good easter egg, similar to the original Wolfenstein levels in the newer Wolfenstein games. This time it's an arcade cabinet you can find and play the first two levels of TimeSplitters 4K. Now I want whoever has the rights to Timesplitters to get it onto Xbox One back compatibility so I can play the rest of it.
Post edited June 30, 2018 by CMOT70

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted June 30, 2018
The Walking Dead Season 2, Jun 29 (GOG)-Another great offering from Telltale. It was a little bit darker than the first game and overall I preferred the first but it was still a very well told story. I did think it stumbled a bit in the final episode. There were a couple decisions that were not what I intended based on the options presented (help someone/cover someone was a little misleading). And I feel like there were some missing responses based on the actions of different group members ie I don't like what that person did but I don't want to kill them. Also the final 15 minutes felt a little rushed and unresolved with the group turmoil.
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Mastur Master
Registered: Apr 2018
From Romania
Posted June 30, 2018
i finish geneforge 2... again... :-/ this time i played as an agent only on torment difficulty.. i sided with the serviles all the time, first i allied with the awakened for cheap and powerful spells, then i betray them and allied with the takers - which i wanted from the start..
sigh........ can i go now?!... :-|
PS: here is screenshit of my character - a female called Futancurista which means ass-fucking woman... :'(
sigh........ can i go now?!... :-|
PS: here is screenshit of my character - a female called Futancurista which means ass-fucking woman... :'(
Post edited June 30, 2018 by wrong_answer

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Australia
Posted June 30, 2018
This one didn't take long. It's meant to come to game pass in July, but the system let me download it and play today.
I'd describe this game as a Swimming Simulator. Just like a Walking Simulator, but you're swimming under water. I think the devs were going for something like Journey, but I'm not them so I can't be sure that's the type of experience they were aiming for. Anyway, compared to Journey it lacks the unique multiplayer experience and puzzles, but has a similar vibe. It's all about the vibe, as a great person once said.
There is no dialog, and the most complex puzzles are a couple of areas where you need to follow some chains back to their origins to open gates. It's really just about chilling out for a couple of hours in an underwater adventure.
This one didn't take long. It's meant to come to game pass in July, but the system let me download it and play today.
I'd describe this game as a Swimming Simulator. Just like a Walking Simulator, but you're swimming under water. I think the devs were going for something like Journey, but I'm not them so I can't be sure that's the type of experience they were aiming for. Anyway, compared to Journey it lacks the unique multiplayer experience and puzzles, but has a similar vibe. It's all about the vibe, as a great person once said.
There is no dialog, and the most complex puzzles are a couple of areas where you need to follow some chains back to their origins to open gates. It's really just about chilling out for a couple of hours in an underwater adventure.

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia
Posted July 01, 2018
Finished carmageddon 2 quite fast, also flatout 2 not sure if the game is really that hard at the end street class or the gamepad isn't as perfect as the keyboard driving had to choose a 4 wheeler otherwise i could hardly drive,don't really remember now how many retries i needed back in the day when i first played this game.
Also read through Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi and ch.2 Watanagashi.
Also read through Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi and ch.2 Watanagashi.
Post edited July 01, 2018 by Fonzer

sushi eater
Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan
Posted July 02, 2018
Finished Mass Effect Andromeda
I know this one has a bad press. And, to be completely honest, it has its lot of bad things. Animations are not as smooth as you would have liked them, especially when your character runs and turns, you feel more like driving a bike than a human... Jumping and getting over obstacles is also not as smooth as it should be. Visually, the characters are good, but my main character looked a bit like a goof, sometimes.
Bugwise, I didn't encounter any, maybe just once when a character was half buried in the ground, but it's the only time I can think of.
Storywise, yes, there are some plot holes, like a character refering to the death of another character when you haven't met that character yet. Because, you obviously weren't supposed to wander so much in the galaxy ignoring the main quest. ^_^
But even with all that. Mass Effect Andromeda is just the kind of game I love, because it has an epic scale and you can feel it. It makes you dream big. Care about the NPCs and their relationships. It has dark moments, quirck humor, romance, despair... Everything a big ol'badass movie should have!
And I love it. As much as I loved the original Mass Effect Trilogy, as much as I loved Dragon Age: Origins, I loved Mass Effect Andromeda. Yes, it's not as well done as the Witcher 3, which I also love with passion.
But thank you, Bioware, for giving me around 70 hours of epic moments, of gorgeous landscapes on faraway worlds, of shaking the odds with the right skill use, for the Krogans (best alien race ever!!), and for everything in between.
Please, Bioware, stop listening to the haters and the nitpickers, and make another Mass Effect game. I need it.
So far in 2018:
I know this one has a bad press. And, to be completely honest, it has its lot of bad things. Animations are not as smooth as you would have liked them, especially when your character runs and turns, you feel more like driving a bike than a human... Jumping and getting over obstacles is also not as smooth as it should be. Visually, the characters are good, but my main character looked a bit like a goof, sometimes.
Bugwise, I didn't encounter any, maybe just once when a character was half buried in the ground, but it's the only time I can think of.
Storywise, yes, there are some plot holes, like a character refering to the death of another character when you haven't met that character yet. Because, you obviously weren't supposed to wander so much in the galaxy ignoring the main quest. ^_^
But even with all that. Mass Effect Andromeda is just the kind of game I love, because it has an epic scale and you can feel it. It makes you dream big. Care about the NPCs and their relationships. It has dark moments, quirck humor, romance, despair... Everything a big ol'badass movie should have!
And I love it. As much as I loved the original Mass Effect Trilogy, as much as I loved Dragon Age: Origins, I loved Mass Effect Andromeda. Yes, it's not as well done as the Witcher 3, which I also love with passion.
But thank you, Bioware, for giving me around 70 hours of epic moments, of gorgeous landscapes on faraway worlds, of shaking the odds with the right skill use, for the Krogans (best alien race ever!!), and for everything in between.
Please, Bioware, stop listening to the haters and the nitpickers, and make another Mass Effect game. I need it.
So far in 2018:

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany

sushi eater
Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted July 03, 2018
I haven't yet. I will play it soon though. I was under the semi false impression that it was a standalone expansion. I know some characters in 400 Days make appearances in TWD Season 2 but I think the impact is minimal. You can certainly play and enjoy Season 2 with no knowledge of 400 Days. No need to replay unless you want to.

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted July 03, 2018
Putty Pals
It's indie co-op platformer. Each of 2 players take control of 1 slime and they have to work together to overcome obstacles and get to the end of each level.
The co-operation is mostly limited to bouncing on each other or holding each other to pass above pits. I certainly think more could be achieved there.
The game is trying to be really cute and it was fairly fun most of the time but it was too limited in its options and also the game feels qutie low-budgeta as it is a bit too clunky, unprecise and sometimes buggy.
As I said, I mostly enjoyed it but I realize a big portion of the enjoyement was from playing it with someone else. On its own the game is not that good and I don't think I would want to play it that way.
It took us some 11 hours to beat all levels (28 of them), all bonus levels and time trials of bonus levels (1 of them took us 1 hour alone). We ignored time trial of normal levels as they were not appealing.
Listo completo.
It's indie co-op platformer. Each of 2 players take control of 1 slime and they have to work together to overcome obstacles and get to the end of each level.
The co-operation is mostly limited to bouncing on each other or holding each other to pass above pits. I certainly think more could be achieved there.
The game is trying to be really cute and it was fairly fun most of the time but it was too limited in its options and also the game feels qutie low-budgeta as it is a bit too clunky, unprecise and sometimes buggy.
As I said, I mostly enjoyed it but I realize a big portion of the enjoyement was from playing it with someone else. On its own the game is not that good and I don't think I would want to play it that way.
It took us some 11 hours to beat all levels (28 of them), all bonus levels and time trials of bonus levels (1 of them took us 1 hour alone). We ignored time trial of normal levels as they were not appealing.
Listo completo.