magejake50: X-com: UFO Defence I had only ever played Enemy Unknown (+ DLC) before playing this one. I had heard this game was hard before I played it, I thought "Enemy Unknown wasn't that difficult once you knew what you were doing, it can't be that difficult", but just in case I played the game on the easiest difficulty. Boy was I naïve. My first playthrough ended with me rage quitting after my 2nd mission, where at the end of turn 1, a grenade was thrown into the dropship killing every single 1 of my soldiers. I eventually came back to it after learning that there were remote control tanks you could send out first, which instantly improved my experience. I started with the idea of doing an ironman playthrough, this eventually changed to 'Ironman unless a grenade kills several crew in 1 shot' which then changed to 'Ironman unless one of my good soldiers got killed' which then changed to 'Ironman unless something bullshit happens'. I lost 30 of my 50 soldiers (There is no graveyard section in this game, so I manually tracked it), lost funding from the UK and France, but managed to complete the final mission within one in-game year.
Now, if you were like me, played Enemy Unknown and wanted to play the original, heres somethings you should know. All soldiers, regardless of armour, can be killed in 1 shot, armours purpose is to make sure you survive shots that graze you. Cover is also much rarer, you can get missions in the desert, which often has no cover at all. The enemies ability to know where you are is ridiculous, they can turn a corner, spot you, then know your exact position, even if you move from there, for the next 5 or so turns. This is coupled with the 'op'ness of psychic powers, which can be used from any point on the map, against any point on the map, this means if you do a mission with 10 psychic aliens, you will spend it by having your team bombarded with mind control attempts at the end of every single turn. If you enjoyed the 'base attack' mission from Enemy Unknown, well you'll have plenty of those in this game, enemies decide after every loss whether they want to get revenge on you or not, which ends up with a battleship heading towards your base. While this does make it seem like a bitch to play through, your enemy also suffers the same handicaps as you, once you research plasma weapons you too will be able to kill your enemies in 1 hit.
The gameplay and enemies haven't changed much as the series has gone on, Chryssalids look wildly different between the two games and Ethereals use guns. I found the game difficult to get a hang of, until I saw a video playthrough, by just remembering a few tips you can easily get the hang of this game, though misclicks can be frustrating. I'd recommend this to any fan of Enemy Unknown, though you better be ready for a shock once you play it.
I am still playing it, very challenging game, hard , and so unpredictable! It has a very high replay value. I hope to finish it before next christmas!